» Art for Sale «

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12:40pm Apr 23 2012 (last edited on 2:19pm May 8 2012)

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Posts: 9,641
The reason I ask for payment afterwards is because I don't trust myself to finish all my commissions. I'm learning to be more ethical about drawing and finishing orders for people, but at the moment I'm still terrible at this. In other words, if you don't get art for longer than a month, send me an rmail. If you don't get any for another month, consider your order cancelled, because chances are I won't draw it by that point.

1 month » rmail
2 months » order cancelled

Headshot or Bust
detailed style » 3 mil per headshot; 4.5 mil per bust

Full body
detailed style » 9 mil per

As you've noticed, some of my art has textures on them. If you want a specific texture (this is free) then please link it. Otherwise, I'll just choose a random one from online that I feel fits the image.

I don't put a signature on my art (mostly because I tend to forget to) so if I see any of my art circulating without being credited, I'll probably shoot you a rmail or something. If you don't stop doing so, or credit someone else, I'll remove the rights you have to use the picture. You won't get a refund. If you want my signature on the drawing, feel free to tell me!
^I'm not going to be extremely strict with this, unless you are blatantly not crediting me.

Can't Afford?
Det also takes 50% of the price in pets and items. No more, because I do want some tu, but if you can't afford outright then feel free to shoot an offer at me!

What I draw & Poses
I'm still fairly limited on my flexibility as an artist, so I ask that you only ask for either wolves/dogs or dragons as subjects. On that same note, I will only be doing a lying down or sitting pose until I've practised enough to do more complex postures.

I will only draw images with references now, for the time being. I am a lazy artist and having only a deion to go off of (which is rarely detailed) is excruciating. I'm sorry guys, but until I get better at following instructions I'd like to have a concrete reference to go off of. You can still give me text and all that, but I need at least one reference of the character. Not of it's breed; not of it's markings; of the character itself.


12:40pm Apr 23 2012 (last edited on 12:58pm May 7 2012)

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Posts: 9,641

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[url=www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/art/-art-for-sale-/] Selling art commissions!


3:14pm Apr 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,937

Bunpeth for joo!

I would, totally to ask you draw Max and my other characters,
i love how you draw the fur, but LOL im broke as always.

Curse you morphing potions! ;sdfs;

I think the prices are good, 
since you put a lot detail in your art.
Such as the fur detail. Omg s'pretty. ;o;

I will come back when i have enuff TU. 
>:U It'sapromise. /fistbunp


3:43pm Apr 23 2012


Posts: 3,217

:I subscribeing to remind my self to order


12:54pm Apr 24 2012 (last edited on 3:27pm Apr 25 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 322
Username » SilentSteps2709
Subject » My new fursona o3o Soliek, I don't have any references yet, but I'll try give you a good deion. She a ink-black wolf, with medium length fur. Her eyes are a glowing, cyan blue, with no pupils. Then, flaring off both eyes are thick, sweeping stripes that reach back just past the base of her ears, before fading away in swirls and curls. They are the same colour as her eyes, just slightly darker. Her front paws are the same blue, but with thin swirls twirling up to about half-way up her legs. She has faded blue swirls all through her black fur, and her tail ends in sky blue which fades the further up you get. Her back legs have the same pattern, except the swirls reach a little higher. On her forehead there are three, glowing,tle="green" target=""> green spots, that go downwards from the top of her head to between her eyes, getting smaller each time. Down both sides of her tail are three, totalling six, green spots, like the ones on her head. Te ones closest to the beginning of her tail are smaller, with the one nearer to the end larger. All these spots glow, aswell as the markings under her eyes. Her eyes glow too.
References » None yet :I
Pose » Lying down
Commission type » Full body


3:27pm Apr 24 2012 (last edited on 8:26am Apr 25 2012)


Posts: 3,217

Username »skypi
Subject »a gold and silver omni with a small spirit/ whisp as a companion. (the whisp is constently changeing shape and size so feel free to go mad with this :P)
References » gold+silver omni
Pose » laying down
Other » :) your art is amazing
Full bodied detailed :3


8:03am Apr 25 2012

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
Awesome, Skypi! Since you're one of my first three commissioners it's half priced. :3 Putting you on the list.


8:19am Apr 25 2012 (last edited on 8:29am Apr 25 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 81

Name: Serpent

Subject: A black  and red mamba with  heterochromia eyes.One blue and one  green XD  Go crazy please!

Referances: A black mamba? O-__o

Pose: To strike, fangs and all

Other:Looking extremely forward to the final product XD



(full detail for me too)


8:24am Apr 25 2012

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
Oh crap. I forgot to make a line for what sort of commission. Can you two fix that quickly for me? Also, Serpent, please change the font so I can read it. ^^


8:26am Apr 25 2012


Posts: 3,217

done :)


8:31am Apr 25 2012

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
Thanks guys. <3


10:36am Apr 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
Guys, just as a note, please post again if you're going to order, rather than editing. I can't tell when someone edits. D:


6:35am May 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
Skypi's commission is done! :]
I can give you a version without the background if you like, but the wisp will be harder to see. xD;


3:12pm May 5 2012


Posts: 3,217
:D thank you its awsome!!


4:06pm May 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
np, Skypi! I'm glad you like it.
I will get to the other commissions soon, guys. <3 I haven't forgotten; I'm just slow haha.


5:49am May 6 2012

Normal User

Posts: 694
Username » ERlover90
Subject » ??
References » My fursona is a horse with deer horns that are silver, her head is black with golden border collie like markings
Pose » i dunno
Commission type>> headshot 


6:12am May 6 2012

Normal User

Posts: 379
Username » You should know dees but GingerNut :U
Subject » My fursona, Sarasvati. She's a grey wolf with white points and black symbol-y swirls on her tail, face and legs and deep blue eyes. The swirls above her eyes are swirls, and not eyebrows btw. The antlers aren't anything specific, and aren't from a particular type of deer/moose/whatever. They're just yours to interpret. 
Pose » Anythiiing. Just make her look kind of ... mysterious but gentle.
Commission type » Headshot pl0x.


12:05pm May 6 2012 (last edited on 12:36pm May 6 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
edit: oops I coloured it incorrectly so let me fix this. xD


12:57pm May 7 2012

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
okay Serpent's is finally done and edited! <3


6:48pm May 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
I steal yer art talent, yes? Grazie! Grazie!

-runs off laughing manically-

hello my name is elder price
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