[Custom Pixel Creatu Shop]

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1:35pm Feb 18 2010 (last edited on 1:35pm Feb 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 540
You person with a computer and access to the internet.
SO. You might or might not remember my other board.
I had it deleted.
And now I'm making this one.
Ain't I awesome?! 8D!
Anyway. Since I don't have a tablet or a scanner I had to look for some other way of making tu.
So I decided I could make Mr. MSPaint my best friend forever again.
You may be wondering...
What is Makah selling?
Pixelated versions of your creatu with any design you want on them 8D
And if you don't have a design, you can request one :3
Isn't that absolutely amazing?!?!
I bet you still want to know what you'll actually get if you commish me.
Then wonder no more! The answer is here!
In the examples section of the first post 8D
You just have to give me a detailed deion or a good reference and I'll work it out :3
If you do not have a design thought of, you can visit my other thread where I'm selling premade designs and taking requests for custom designsif you already have an ideaof what you want it to look like ;3
I will have no more than three normal slots open at a time.
I will, however, have a special slot for friends and bribes if all the other slots are taken, but will only be opening it in case it is /really/ needed.
And there'll be no waiting list |:
But don't worry, I'm quite fast :3
1. ---
2. ---
3. ---
Special Slot
Awaiting Payment
Prices and forms of Payment
Since these are edits, the prices will vary depending on the complexity of the design.
You may pay as much as you think it's worth, but I'd rather not take anything under 100k tu (100 000).
As payment, I will accept:
  • Pure TU (most loved)
  • CS Items (for multiples or bribes)
  • Dye Kits would do for multiples or bribes)
  • Seasonal Eggs
  • Well Named coloured and seasonal pets
  • Art trades
Thank you for stopping by ^0^


3:13pm Feb 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 540

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