I want four Bronto's and Four T-rex's.
Bronto1-(this is my first order) The one With purple feather wings and A birthday hat
Bronto2- Orange with Red spots, no just circles- wavy spots. And a little unicorn horn
Bronto3- Light Blur with blick tiger stripes on his back, tail, legs, and neck. He has little spikes on his neck down to the tip of his tail
T-Rex1- Silver with big wings.(not feathered) And he has big Spikes down just his back and it ends at his tail. He had a bunch of spickes coming out of his tail
T-Rex2- Purple with a little top hat. (hat is silver) He has black stripes all over him, like the stripes go from back down to tummy, they go all around him and he has a white cirlce around his eye.