Um... Fire and Ice like this dude here he is called a frozen flame. I guess I forgot the terminology doesn't work with most people since they don't know what he is. x_x
As for the warrior, I was picturing something like armor but honestly, it could be even anything to do with fighting. Like... sword/dagger/bows/armor/ whatever the heck you think warrior might mean or would look cool. Fire and Ice warrior. :I
its okay klaus I can try agian tomorrow. I had a friend in need of encouragement and he was a bigger priority to me right now than the fox. The fox can wait.
merlinlover, I don't know xD I'll keep doing Foxes until college work dominates my free time, or until I make a hole on my tablet. Whatever comes first.
(in other words, I don't have any plans on stopping, unless real life demands all my attention)