Alright. SO. heres the deal, I want your art of a new OC which I bought/Adopted from AngelKiss/Kuitsumi. ouo See her deviantART account by clicking HERE. ;)
Before I go any further, please note the rules.
[If you use chatspeak, You will be ignored.]
[You do not have a better chance of winning just because your art is digital, although it is preferred.]
[It must be in color. If it is not, you will be disqualified from first place; however, you can still win second or third.]
[Be courtious to other people.]
[Art theft will be reported.]
[All art posted here, even if it doesnt win, is then owned by me.]
[Do not cut down yours, or others art.]
If you looked around her account, you may have seen This peice of art:

As you probably could have guessed, She is who you will be drawing. f you want to know her name ask Angel ahurhur. She doesent have one yet. o-o
Anyways, here is how the prizes go:
[First place; 6 million pure tu.]
[Second place; 3 million pure tu]
[Third place; 1 million pure tu.]
**Please note**
If your art is traditional, IT CAN NOT be on lined paper.
Okay. Now. Enter. :]
Oya. People who entered:
[Blue heart= Finished. Green= Not.]
DustFeather~ ♥
recreater6000~ ♥
Hoolahoop~ ♥
Innagong [maybe]~ ♥
CrowFlux~ ♥
AngelKiss~ ♥
DarkVamperWolf~ ♥
Caya~ ♥
Ipanema~ ♥
Embrynn~ ♥
DemonicAngels~ ♥