Omg yaaaaay. :DD I'll order now. :D
BTW, does custom evolving fish eggy mean we get to decide what it will look like when it's an adult? Or do we just decide the egg colour?
I order:
So you're interested in taking home a fish, but don't know how much to pay?
We've got you covered.
Scrambled Eggs: $5.25
Toast: $13.37
Bacon: $Whit.00
Premade Fish (Evolving):○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○25k Total
Adult Fish (Custom Non-Evolve):○○○○○○○○○150k Make eet dark blue with...uhm...SPARKLES and shinies. :D basically a shiny, sparkly dark blue fishie. :3
Fish Egg (Custom, Evolving):○○○○○○○○○○○○300k
Mystery Egg (Evolving):○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○100k YUSSS. :D
Name (under fish/egg):○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○Free Total
Bubbles (Anywhere): ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○Free Total
Fire (Anywhere): ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○Free Total
(Customs only)
Fish Bowl(Mini fish only): ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○20k Total
Fish Tank (Small): ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○50k Total
Fish Tank (Large): ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○75k This one please. :D
(Customs only)
Fish Taco (3 Custom, Evolving):○○○○○○○○○○○○○○600k Base
Fish Filet (3 Cust. Non-Evo. Pixel Tank):○○○○○○300k Base
Caviar (Unlimited, egg-only, non.Evo):○○○○○○○○500k Total
So you have your fish, and your tank, but nothing to put in it?
We've got you covered. Again.
Tank Animals:
Mini Starfish: 5k Yes. 1 red please. :D
Betta Fish: 5k
Sea Urchin: 5k
Pink Shrimp: 5k
Snail: 5k Green snail please. :D
Algae Eater: 5kYes please. Any colour, cuz I don't know what they look like. :/
new!Seahorse: 5k Oh yes! Uhm...greenish-blue? If not just blue.
new!Pink Sea Snake(4): 5k YES. >;3
Tank Coral:
Small coral: 5k
Medium coral: 5k
Large coral: 5k Pink coral.
Tank Plants:
Small Leafy plant: 5k
Small 5k
Medium Leafy plant: 5k
Large Leafy plant: 5k Yes.
Large 5k Yes.
Water Bonsai Tree: 5k
Tank Cleaning Supplies:
(You only need these if your tank is dirty/dead fish in it. Buying them before your tank has these does not prevent them from happening.)
Dead Fish Scooper: 500tu
Algae Spray: 500tu Cleaner: 500tu
Clean Sand(Tan): free
Clean Sand(any basic color): 15k
Clean Water: free
Fish Care Supplies:
Fish Flakes: Free Yes.
Betta Pellets: 5k
Seahorse Dust: 5k
Red Shrimp (Food): 500tu
Fin Rot Medicine: 5k
Tank Upgrades:
Thermometer: 5k or 1-TT
Oxygenator: 5k or 1-TT
(^free with large tank^)
Filter: 15k or 1-3TT
That's 365K in total, I believe. :3
EDIT: Don't do mine just yet. I might have to cancel the order. We'll see what happens.