Okies. :3
They work like this:
The tank itself is empty whem you buy it (other than sand and rocks) I'm continuously adding new objects to the list that can be bought as I make them. When you buy an ob
ject, I place it in your tank. You won't have to update links or anything, It's all done manually by myself so that you won't have to.
Custom fish, and tank animals cal be purchased for an additional fee. You don't have to purchase a fish to buy a tank, nor do you have to buy a tank to purchase a fish.
Every now and then, fish will get sick, or the tank will get dirty. Both have to be fixed buy buying tank cleaners/medicine, or the fish have a 50% chance of dying each p*censored*ing week. Buying an algae eater or snail will help keep the tank clean. Plants and coral will help keep your fish healthy.
Fish food needs to be purchased once every one or two weeks. Fish flakes are currently free, however there will be different types of food avalible soon for different types of fish. Without these foods, your fish will starve, and they may die/ eat eachother.
Everything you buy in the shop results in you earning TT. TT are Tank Tokens, which can be used to purchase tank animals/supplies or more tanks. Items purchased with TT do not earn TT, however.
There is an option to buy a tank that never changes, as well. These tanks cost less but do not offer the ability to change the placement of the fish after the initial upload, meaning any fish you currently have in the tank cannot be removed or replaced.
I'm currently working on the breeding system. To breed fish, you will have to have your fish sexed. You will need at least one male and one female to breed, however, you can place one male with multiple female fish at one time. Each female will only produce one egg. Eggs can be hatched or sold, and adult fish can be sold back to the shop for TT within one week of hatching. I am also cosidering allowing breeders to sell their fish to other tank owners, but this would be hard to keep an eye on and therefore I have not yet decided. Adult female fish only have a breeding stage of two weeks, after which they will not produce any more eggs. There is a 10% chance of an egg being produced when placed with a male fish. If you leave your fish in the breeding tank for two weeks, there will be a 10% chance of an egg being produced each day until an egg is laid. A female fish will incubate her egg for two days, or you can remove the eggs and place them in an incubation tank. This will allow the female to keep breeding, however, there will be a limit to 3 eggs per breeding tank.
Gem, the Store fish, will lay eggs randomly from time to time. These eggs will either produce an exact Gem clone (Male or female) or they will produce a completely random fish. You will need to buy an incubation tank to hatch Gem's eggs, or you will have to wait for them to hatch and buy the young fishes/adults from the sale tanks.
I al still working out all the kinks, and this is far from done. This will be a long-term project, so there are still many things needed to be worked on. I love taking suggestions on anything that can be improved, especially comments on the prices of tank objects. (Too high/low)
Sadly, making new tank objects and animals (expecially the large ones) takes a lot of time, so we won't have many items until a bit later. I am trying to continuously update the tank list with new items, and eventually I will make a shop list where you can see the objects and animals you want to purchase.
Fish/eggs can still be purchased without a tank, they will still evolve!
Any questions? I think I hit all the bases rofl.