~Fresh Start Commishies~

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2:02pm Apr 13 2013 (last edited on 12:04pm Apr 14 2013)


Posts: 910
I probably should have been more clear about what I can actually draw on my other threads. So here's a fresh start. (:

~Stuffs you should know~
*kay. I'm not perfect.
*Animals and creatu only please. I can do humans, but they'll take a while.
*Hehehe. I don't have lots of art examples..you gais must actually commission me so then I can have some!!

Yeah. I think that about sums it up :u
*I like to be paid. I like tu, zaphaos, CS items, DYE KITS, whatever you can think of. If the commission is not too hard, I'll just give it to you for free. I'm nice. I don't bite~

lineart: no example yet :c
solid colurrr: no example yet :c
shaded: no example yet :c
 specialllll:tle="" href="http://katiee-love.deviantart.com/art/RapidDave-365453796?q=gallery%3Akatiee-love&qo=0">*** tle="" href="http://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l606/katikat97/RapidDave_zps8bff5d03.png">***tle="" href="http://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l606/katikat97/RapidDave_zps8bff5d03.png">hurrtle="" href="http://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l606/katikat97/RapidDave_zps8bff5d03.png"><33http://fav.me/d61kxyc
tle="" target="_blank">tle="" href="http://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l606/katikat97/RapidDave_zps8bff5d03.png">More to be added ;o

~Order Form~
Who r u:
wut do you want:
any references?:
art style(lineart/flat colors/shaded/special/etc):
payment: free for now~

1. Blaze
2 Canada
3. Casa


2:21pm Apr 13 2013 (last edited on 2:22pm Apr 13 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 2,043
Who r u: Blaze
wut do you want: wolf fursona
any references?: here's the ref sheet.
his hair/mane thing is like this: 
basically, Jack Barakat's skunk hair, if you wanna search on google images.

his skull marking is like this: this 

and his rose tattoo thing is like this.  except without the leaves.
details: he also has a tongue ring, i can't remember if any of the pics show that.
payment: free for now~

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

2:25pm Apr 13 2013


Posts: 910
Right on it, Blaze. He should be fun to do (: Do you want colored and everything? shaded? or what? I should add that on the form.


2:25pm Apr 13 2013


Posts: 910


2:30pm Apr 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,043
uh, how about lineart + flat color?

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

2:32pm Apr 13 2013


Posts: 910
will do ^.^


4:30pm Apr 13 2013 (last edited on 4:33pm Apr 13 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,189
~Order Form~
Who r u: I is Canada 
wut do you want:  Mai oc marina
any references?: yup.  -> http://tinyurl.com/d9jlth3tle="" target=""> [x]
details: below the ref in the link :)
art style(lineart/flat colors/shaded/special/etc): hmm let's do a special :3
payment: free for now~


11:51am Apr 14 2013


Posts: 195
Omg. Arts :D


11:57am Apr 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 182
Who r u: Casa!
wut do you want: Oswick!
any references?: http://hyraxe.deviantart.com/art/Oswick-365121270?q=gallery%3Ahyraxe&qo=0
details: Be creative! Whatever you want! :D He's just really cute and excitable and <3 uvu His eyes are pixellated btw, so they're usually emoticons in pixels like this - > o o, ^^ (the one in his ref pic) , o <, > < Oh, also he's missing one tentacle, you can see that in his reference pic, it's hidden under the two on the right.
art style(lineart/flat colors/shaded/special/etc): shaded? c: 
payment: i'll send you a little something anyway ;u

Who the hell is Bucky?


12:23pm Apr 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 182

Who the hell is Bucky?

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