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8:06pm Jan 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,988
AHAH. Found another reason to spend my tu on things I don't need ;3!

What Pet:

Colors: Black, dark red, and the Red already on the Draqua.

Additional: Uhm... I'd like a pendant or necklace or something hanging from her somewhere [Anywhere it can be visible and pretty ;3] that has a pendant that looks like this [tle="" href="http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs42/i/2009/103/a/d/Placebo_Wings_Tattoo_by_Trapped_In_Amber.jpg">Link] I'd like the pendant to be black, like maybe make it a piece of wood that has black ink or something on it... I dunno, again, whatever is easiest for you, but still looks awesome ;3
Other: I'd like all the white on her [Including the white of her eyes] to be black. Then the yellow spots to be gone, just gone xD Then I'd like the purple on her wings to be a dark red. I'd like the Purple of her eyes to be red, and I'd like them to glow a bit.

Payment: Tell me how much you want :3


8:06pm Jan 8 2012 (last edited on 8:22pm Jan 8 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 923
Dragon wings would be nice c:

Sorta like this- View Full Size Image
(credit to toxicdreamonkey on deviant art)


9:37pm Jan 8 2012 (last edited on 9:44pm Jan 8 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,085

@ Sheta ~ Alright xD
I'll figure something out for the pendant ~
Added you to the que list.

@ Ram ~ Okies, thanks for finding an image by the way :>
Gonna get to work on yours now.

@ Gina ~ Done !
I like the winter one *-*

Added to the pickup & code page ~
They're both complex, so 250k each as a base price,
as with everyone, any extra added is up to you.

Start using the forms if you can as well please :>

мα∂ηεss ωιℓℓ cσηsυмε үσυ...

10:07pm Jan 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 114
i love the winter one but do you think you could make the fall one a bit darker? I feel like its too bright?


10:34pm Jan 8 2012 (last edited on 10:47pm Jan 8 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,085

@ Gina ~ Edit : Edited it.
And updated the code page with new image.

мα∂ηεss ωιℓℓ cσηsυмε үσυ...

10:40pm Jan 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 114
oooh sorry :( i live in new york city and in the fall things are darker :/ maybe use this as a refrence if you want http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Shades_of_orange

i was thinking of pumpkin and rusty as the colors?


11:10pm Jan 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 923
I'll be at school tomorrow until about 4:30 restime (basketball practice) I'll send the egg when I can ok?


11:50pm Jan 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 455
Another please? ;w;

Pet Edits ;

What pet : Adult Zenirix :3
Colours : First Link- 


Additional (eg items) : Could you make him look like this? ._.


  • He is the color above ^
  • He has short black ears, black snout, and black tail.
  • He has a LONG snout that looks cut further back, under his eyes, and has three pieces of skin to hold it together (Kinda like the Joker from batman)
His tail is shorter and fluffy
He's pretty skinny with longer, skinny legs
His eyes are just points, like pin dots xD not really pupils
LONG tongue (3 times longer than the picture) you don't have to do the tongue if it's too hard to open the Zenirix's mouth (:

Payment : More Squishies! :D

Just post if you need any aditional information (: Hope its not too hard D:

11:50pm Jan 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 455
Sorry I stretched your page a little D: I will delete the link when you finish it so it returns to normal <3 :)

11:55pm Jan 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 663

Size : Medium...
Border : Leaves, any type, but shadows of leaves
Image : Anything foresty
Text : The road less traveled by... (Bleeding Cowboys font)
Effects : None

Colours : #003300 for the Text, or a color similar

Animated : No
Other : Nothing

Payment : Your price, tu and/or squishies


12:13am Jan 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,085

@ Tokyo ~ Alright xD
By the way, to post links like I've done, when typing
theres a little chain with a green bauble thing next to it,
highlight a text and press that then just add the link.

@ Wendla ~ Yay a banner order !
Halfway between a simple and a complex,
so say 300k base, extra is up to you.

If you're paying in squishies make sure to check the list
of what I'm missing *pokes payment section*

@ Ram ~ Done !

Added to the pickup.

- - - - -

Taking a little bit of a break and having a shower,
then getting on to Sheta's pet edit and continuing with the rest thereafter ~

мα∂ηεss ωιℓℓ cσηsυмε үσυ...

12:14am Jan 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 663
Hey 3mmique! Sure! -goes to bank account-


12:15am Jan 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,988
Yay ^-^!


12:22am Jan 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 455
Ahh ok thanks! :D

2:20am Jan 9 2012 (last edited on 6:24am Jan 9 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,085

@ Sheta ~ Done !
The wing icon looses some detail
when it's shrunk down unfortunately ._.
That's about the largest the pendant can go
without looking too big and not fitting in.

Added to the pickup ~

мα∂ηεss ωιℓℓ cσηsυмε үσυ...

4:06am Jan 9 2012 (last edited on 4:09am Jan 9 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,085

@ Tokyo ~ Done !
Oh god I hope I got it right x_x

That felt like it took forever :|
Sat editing and I couldn't help but think to myself,
"Who on earth would want somethin like this? "
So if you don't mind me asking ? xD

Tried to get the legs a little thinner than the normal Zennie.
You can remove the page-stretch now please :K

Added to the pickup ~

мα∂ηεss ωιℓℓ cσηsυмε үσυ...

4:25am Jan 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,085

@ Wendla ~ The .zip Opener on this computer
is acting up for some reason and that font file
isn't working, I can't open it to install it ;_;

Sorry but there's nothing I can do about it :|
Tried downloading 2 other .zip opening programs none
of them seem to work on it :/

So if at all you could pick a new font please
that would be great.

мα∂ηεss ωιℓℓ cσηsυмε үσυ...

5:50am Jan 9 2012 (last edited on 5:50am Jan 9 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,988
I love it o.o

How much do you want for it ;3?

-orders another-


Colors: Weeping Willow-ish colors.

Additional: Can she maybe be holding some soil in her hand :3?
Other: I'd like her to look a little more like a Willow Tree, but still an Ivik :3 Go nuts xD; <- You tend to do good when I say this ;3

Payement: However much you want :D!


6:05am Jan 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 663
Font: Delinquente or Cardinal


9:21am Jan 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,085

@ Wendla ~ Done.
I didn't want to squash the image and it was so nice
I didn't want to cut too much of it out either...   ._.
But if it needs changing at all gimme a shout...


@ Sheta ~ Done !
I stuck a tree on it's head :V
Tried to get them legs to look like wood/bark as well xD

Added both to the pickup ~

мα∂ηεss ωιℓℓ cσηsυмε үσυ...
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