11:01am Jul 16 2013 (last edited on 11:18am Jul 22 2013)
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Posts: 1,274
Welcome to my graphics thread. I've been recently practicing with Photoshop and other graphic applications and have considered opening commissions for quite a while. Usually, I'd procrastinate and never get things done. But, with a month and a half until I'm back at school, it's now or never to try and practice with actual orders. So, I'll be taking some commissions. Keep in mind these are not art commissions. I cannot draw digitally for the life of me. If you've read this, hats off to you. This was actually a useless piece of information.
Here's the tidbits of information that you should read. These are just some guidelines. I work rather quickly sometimes, but that does not mean your commission is not of the best quality. Sometimes I may do work quickly, other times I may not. Please understand that. If work takes over a week I will often discount the work or even not charge at all. This thread is for banners and all alike as well as profile layouts. I may introduce more options over the course of the summer. This last bit is just common sense. Do not harass me about the order. You may ask about it politely, but don't expect me to respond in a calm and civil manner when you become pushy and angry about it. Finally, all rescreatu rules apply. I will not make you a profile with nudity in the background, nor will I work with banners with inappropriate content. Also, all content will have a tiny signature, representing that it is my work. Removal of it shall result in myself reporting you which may result in a site ban. If you catch anyone with my work with the removal of my signature please let me know asap.~♥~
Here are the forms you must fill out to order. To obtain your screen resolution, go to the link below to see. Type in those results to the proper part if you are ordering a profile.(DELETE EVERYTHING IN PARENTHESIS.) Anything in blue on the forms is not recommended.
Order a layout receive a free background made by myself!
Profile username: screen resolution:(will not take order without this) background image/color:(link your image. for colors, #these work best) header image/color:(the header is the part that says "bob's profile" or "collections", etc) display rescreatu content:(all the headers and explore, etc. have it displayed or not) scroll box(es):(yes/no/how many/where?) font:(what font you want your profile in) effects:(hover is the only one I can code currently. yes/no/how fast/slow/EXPLAIN) overlay(s):(if you want images/text overlapping some part of your profile) other information:(any other info you might like to add) price estimate:(completely optional, just for those who'd like to know beforehand)
Banner username: size:(signature/profile/button/avatar, ___x___px works great) banner image/color:(the main image/color for your banner. #these or link to image) pet image/other image:(a creatu on it/other image. transparent images only, optional) font:(can specify more than one font. please put exact name, optional) text:(main text you want, optional) subtext:(text below the subtext, optional) more subtext:(optional) even more subtext:(optional) fancy cutouts:(such as pawprint/leaf/etc. might not be able to do everything, but ask!) animation:(I can hardly do animation, only simple things like switching images, etc. ASK) other information:(any other info you might like to add) price estimate:(completely optional, just for those who'd like to know beforehand)~♥~
NEW! Image Editing username: image(s): (link to image please) request:(fix red eye, add effects, etc) cutting out/putting in:(eg. you want yourself to be put in the swiss alps, etc., optional) explanation:(a place for you to explain if the form wasn't enough, highly reccomended) other info: (any other info you might like to add) price estimate: (completely optional, just for those who'd like to know beforehand)~♥~

11:01am Jul 16 2013 (last edited on 11:15am Jul 22 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,274
~♥~ Orders 1. Open 2. Open 3. Open 4. Open 5. Open 6. Open 7. Open 8. Open 9. Open
11:01am Jul 16 2013 (last edited on 12:18pm Jul 20 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,274
~♥~ Completed Orders
11:01am Jul 16 2013 (last edited on 11:31am Jul 20 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,274
reserved in case i need it~
5:54pm Jul 16 2013 (last edited on 5:57pm Jul 16 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 805
This is open right Flo?
Banner username: Signature, 200x500 please banner image/color: Could you do the colors of a kurrabi egg as the main colors? pet image/other image: A nattie kurrabi please, on the right side facing left if you can. font: Bradley Hand ITC for the fluffy/fuzzy outline AR DECODE for the swirl outline text: Kurrabi Queen fancy cutouts: Could you do either a fluffy/fuzzy outline or swirls going outwards? other information: Could have like patches of color kind of faded one on top of the other? price estimate: I have no idea, could you give me an estimate?
Looking for an Albino Sheafu, offering pure!
11:35am Jul 20 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,274
Yes, this is open now. <: Just a few questions so I can get your order right. Does the stage of Kurrabi matter? And I'm a bit confused of what you mean by having text as the "fuzzy part". ;o; I can do the cutout, just unsure of what you want with the text. I may not be able to do the color patches.
But would 350k work? Cutouts take a little while to complete, but I might get it done today.
11:41am Jul 20 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 805
An adult Kurrabi please, I mean for the cutout to be fuzzy looking and the font to be Bradley Hand ITC, sorry for the confusion Flo. Just do what you can, I'm sure it'll look awesome. 350k is fine with me as well.
Looking for an Albino Sheafu, offering pure!
11:43am Jul 20 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,274
Ooooh I get you now. xD Sorry for being so stupid lol. ;A; Starting now!
12:17pm Jul 20 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,274
Finished your banner, Kurrabi. c: Let me know if you'd like anything changed. I tried to get the cutout as you wanted, but I tried others and it didn't see to fit as much.

5:26pm Jul 20 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 805
I love it <3 Sending payment now.
Looking for an Albino Sheafu, offering pure!
11:07am Jul 21 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,274
11:15am Jul 22 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,274
8:12pm Jul 24 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,274