ﺴﺴ grassy field ﺴﺴ

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8:33pm Nov 6 2016

Normal User

Posts: 5,542
One more baggy please? QwQ


8:38pm Nov 6 2016 (last edited on 6:19am Mar 23 2021)

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Posts: 1,937

🎃 spooky time! 🎃

As the chilly, dark season makes it way to the field, the snares

are feeling the spook of halloween as well. For a limited time,

Spooky Grab Bags have arrived to the item stand!

grab bag by omenaapple grab bag by omenaapple grab bag by omenaapple

They cost 8M, and will give you two random apparel items.

There are 13 limited spooky items to be found from the bag!

Reposting this as for the new page, yaaay #20!

wizard hat by omenaapplepumpkin lantern by omenaapple

Phantom - Opening your grab bag, you find two items inside!

Wizard hat and Pumpkin lantern added to inventory.

candycorn scarf by omenaapple purple slime by omenaapple

Thor - Opening your grab bag, you find two items inside!

Candycane scarf and Purple slime added to inventory.

Lake - You decide to have your snare only wear two items.

1 Ominous hat returned to inventory.

Owner list updated.


9:40pm Nov 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 69
These are so cute - I have been seeing them around and am happy I finally found them. c:

I am going to stalk this like crazy to see if/when anymore eggs are for sale. c:

Looking for Chimby items

10:16pm Nov 7 2016 (last edited on 10:16pm Nov 7 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 1,937

ﺴ growing up 

Spending time with your snare truly is a delight.

Such good care does wonders for the pups' growth!

tea by omenaapple  drow by omenaapple  kirby by omenaapple

Tea - After petting your snare, your hands have a fresh, fruity scent.

Drow - This snare is bold and brave. It protects it's owner fiercely.

Kirby - Not even hardest foes can keep this snare away from chocolate.

Owner list updated.

lynbook - thank you, that's very kind of you! and yep, there's a few

egg batches and events coming up in the future for sure! :3c 


10:25pm Nov 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,937

spooky grab bag time!!

spooky lenses B by omenaapple witch hat by omenaappleragged scarf by omenaapple black slime by omenaapple

Sagitaurus - Opening your two grab bags, you find four items inside!

Spooky lenses, Witch hat, Ragged scarf, and Black slime

added to inventory.

purple slime by omenaapplewizard hat by omenaapple candycorn scarf by omenaapplepumpkin lantern by omenaapple

Lovett - Opening your two grab bags, you find four items inside!

Purple slime, Wizard hat, Candycorn scarf, and Pumpkin lantern

added to inventory.


10:47pm Nov 7 2016

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
>Posting to give everyone an alert and to also combo break


10:51pm Nov 7 2016 (last edited on 10:54pm Nov 7 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 1,937

Lovett - You give a couple new items for your snare, and also take 

a few back so it wont be too burdened. It likes your fashion sense.

Oversized Scarf and Green Slime returned to inventory.

Guzma - thanks for the thread bump, yo! o/


11:06pm Nov 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 482


11:20pm Nov 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 122


11:45pm Nov 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 120
I keep missing them. /sigh/ Someday.

When someone is special to you, hold on to them for as long as you can. You never know when the day you have is your last.


6:01am Nov 8 2016 (last edited on 6:08am Nov 8 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 1,937

🎃 egg found 🎃

10 - 1 by omenaapple

A small, eerie egg was found from the tall grass!

It will be claimed via a free raffle-type contest. To enter, 

write a spooky story with three sentences or less.

Ends on 10th of November. Good luck!


6:05am Nov 8 2016

Normal User

Posts: 910
My story:

It was election day.  Trump won.


6:11am Nov 8 2016

Normal User

Posts: 122
I was in my bedroom one night just messing around on my laptop when I suddenly hear someone tapping on my window, asking if I could help them with something. I froze, I live on the 18th floor of an apartment building.


6:14am Nov 8 2016


Posts: 84
With spooks a'plenty and scares abound, a snare was heading straight homebound.

Zenirix howled, cold winds did blow, but little did that poor snare know...

It was entrapped in Drachid silk, trapped in nightmares, far from its ilk...

6:23am Nov 8 2016 (last edited on 6:23am Nov 8 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 1,937

SagiKermitLiepard - Ahh wonderful entries, y'all! Definitely accepted o/


6:36am Nov 8 2016

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
I was reading a book last night when my kid called me into his room. He said he heard something under his bed, so I got down on all fours to check. Staring from underneath was my son, wide-eyed and whispering, "Mommy who is that in my bed?"

{does this even count as three sentences pbbbt}


6:39am Nov 8 2016


Posts: 585
Kir starts asking for Users and not just Creatu.
The end.


6:46am Nov 8 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,937

Guzma - Yep, falls into three sentences. love the spookiness of it~~

Tea - ROFL, wonderful entry. both of you accepted, good luck!!


7:08am Nov 8 2016 (last edited on 7:25am Nov 8 2016)


Posts: 546
I am not entering. xD This is just fun. :P

You are in a house, where you live alone. Above you, there is a sudden, loud, noise. Alternatively, Trump is given the nuclear launch codes, the last thing you hear is a loud whistle as he bombs your house, it has been empty for ten years,


7:28am Nov 8 2016


Posts: 2,161
;w; did you get the tu I sent for the second goodie bag?

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