ﺴﺴ grassy field ﺴﺴ

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5:29am May 2 2017 (last edited on 5:30am May 2 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 1,937

ﺴﺴ contest update ﺴﺴ

As we've got over 20 entries (wow!), the prize

has been increased to three eggs! All will be raffled.

This is the last prize tier, great job guys!

 39 - 1 by omenaapple 32 - 1 by omenaapple

A couple tasty looking eggs were found among the grass!

They will be won in a raffle-type contest. To enter, post

the most delicious photo you can find of chocolate!

Ends in about a day (3rd May). Good luck!

Corvus, Fluzz, Tren, Legenc, Lolli, Genbaw, Silver, Kirby

All delicious entries have been accepted! ' v ')b

Dragr - I hope so too, but please don't beg.

Animals - Aww, better be more careful next time!


10:56am May 2 2017

Normal User

Posts: 423
i'm not a big chocolate fan, but i'd eat the heck outta this!


11:51am May 2 2017

Normal User

Posts: 493
Making another post since my last one didnt work ;-; 

Chocolate Crapes !

~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~

3:50am May 3 2017

Normal User

Posts: 1,937

Zelda, Sliced - Entries accepted! MMmmmmm.. *v*

The raffle is now closed, winners will be announced shortly!


4:37am May 3 2017

Normal User

Posts: 1,937

ﺴﺴ contest winners ﺴﺴ

With luck granted by the deities themselves, the 

winners of the raffle are Moss, Alien and AnimalsR!

Congrats, and thanks for everyone who entered! ♥

 39 - 1 by omenaapple 32 - 1 by omenaapple

As you hold the newly received tasty egg, it begins

to show signs of hatching! Soon pops put...

46 - 2 by omenaapple  39 - 2 by omenaapple 32 - 2 by omenaapple
Moss                    Alien                AnimalsR

Healthy and deliciously scented snare pup!

Owner list shortly updated.


4:39am May 3 2017

Normal User

Posts: 404
congrats c:

Dating Darkgrimm since Jan21/16 | Engaged to DarkGrimm since June 4th/23

4:40am May 3 2017

Normal User

Posts: 493
Awe ! Congratulations ! They are terrably cute ! 

~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~

9:20am May 3 2017

Normal User

Posts: 380
Aww little Bun tailed baby <3 Thanks TAR! ^^


9:27am May 3 2017

Normal User

Posts: 58
They are all so cute awwwh I need one ><


3:27pm May 3 2017

Normal User

Posts: 101
Congrats guys! :3


3:56pm May 3 2017

Normal User

Posts: 294

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThe FNaF group.\r\n

6:31am May 4 2017

Normal User

Posts: 1,937

ﺴﺴ growing up ﺴﺴ

Playing around all day is hard work for a tiny pup.

Your snares luckily know how to enjoy it all the same.

moss by omenaapplealien by omenaapple animalsr by omenaapple

Moss - This snare is the absolute best at picking desserts.

Alien - You cant help but think that's a creme puff tail.

AnimalsR - Your snare gives off a gentle scent of strawberries.

Owner lists updated.


6:40am May 4 2017

Normal User

Posts: 122
AH! So cute ;o;; and what a talented snare hoho thank you tardis~

Can I put my scarf on my snare please?


6:56am May 4 2017

Normal User

Posts: 1,937

Moss - Sure thing my bud!

Your snare appreciates your superb taste in apparel.

Oversized Scarf removed from inventory.


9:18pm May 4 2017

Normal User

Posts: 58
Can I pay you with creatures for next egg?? huhuuhhh


10:17pm May 4 2017

Normal User

Posts: 120
Is there an estimate on when golden apples will be available again?

When someone is special to you, hold on to them for as long as you can. You never know when the day you have is your last.


10:29pm May 4 2017

Normal User

Posts: 732
I need one


4:46am May 5 2017 (last edited on 4:46am May 5 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 1,937

Dragrawr - The first page tells you how to buy eggs.

TU only as for now, and unfortunately no reserves!

Hades - Can't say a specific day, but im hoping to put

some up for sale in the upcoming week! ' v ')b

Ski - Great! Can you not make unnecessary posts though? ;;


5:32am May 5 2017

Normal User

Posts: 120
Sweet~ thanks for the estimate! I'll keep an eye out. Hopefully I can catch one.

When someone is special to you, hold on to them for as long as you can. You never know when the day you have is your last.


8:25pm May 9 2017

Normal User

Posts: 349
subs :)

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