Spooky Bag Time!!
Mercy - You open three orange Grab Bags, and receive..
white snake, licorice candies, green snake, fruit candies,
magical orb, and white snake! Adding to inventory.
Oriette - You open one of each Grab Bags, and receive..
fruit candies, magical orb, ghostly scarf, and pumpkin lantern!
Adding to inventory.
Keith - You open three orange Grab Bags, and receive..
licorice candies, green snake, white snake, toffee candies,
black snake, and magical orb! Adding to inventory.
Pandoryn - You open two of each Grab Bags, and receive..
skull mask, ragged scarf, pumpkin lantern, green slime,
green snake, magical orb, black snake, and fruit candies!
Adding to inventory.
Hoppin - You open one of each Grab Bags, and receive..
purple slime, witch hat, white snake, and toffee candies!
You also purchase a golden apple. Adding to inventory~
Porky - You open two purple and an orange Grab Bags, and
receive.. black slime, wizard hat, ghostly lenses, skull mask,
magical orb, and toffee candies! Adding to inventory.
phew! 8D so many goodies! ♥
lemme know if i got anyone's items/pictures wrong haha~