~ Green's Piano Composition Commissions :D ~

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10:09pm Jan 3 2015 (last edited on 12:45pm Jan 4 2015)

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Posts: 3,163
((You enter, confused))



Did that say what I think it said?

Were the words up there "Piano" and "Composition"?

Is it, by chance...

No, no, that couldn't be.

Surely not.

Surely GreenKat isn't commissioning...


* * *

((I come to the front desk, chuckling))

Ah, but it is!

I am commissioning music!

Experimenting is a beautiful thing!


10:10pm Jan 3 2015 (last edited on 12:52pm Jan 4 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
((You speak back))

well... well... well...

What does it sound like then?

What do you mean?

Show us! Help us understand!

* * *

((Me again))

Okay, okay!

Why don't you take a listen at a few examples I have here?

The picture isn't much, but the song is what you're here for!

That's all I have to show you right now, but there will be more coming!


10:10pm Jan 3 2015 (last edited on 10:51pm Jan 3 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
((You again, mesmerized. A small crowd forms around you))

How... How much are you charging?

How much of my tu will you take?

What will you have me make?

How do I ask for one?!!

* * *

Calm down, now, and let me explain the process to you.

First off, I'm not really sure how much I am charging! That's the thing! This is totally new, and there isn't really a set idea of what is a 'good' or 'bad' price. That's where you come in.

I will be making these on a "Pay what you wish" basis. This does not mean free. A lot of work goes in to these compositions (The compositions listed had anywhere from 2 to 8 months of work and love poured into them)
and I would like you to take that in to consideration when you pay. Obviously, I will be expecting more tu for longer pieces. Eventually, I hope to have a set price + tips going, but I need to see what people are willing to pay before I have an idea of what to ask.

Obviously, music is a fluid art, so I can try to get you a general time, but I can't promise the song will be that short.

Here is a form for filling out specifically what you want:

Username: (Your res username here)

Commission Type: (Currently just Original. Hope to add instrumental covers soon as an option :D)

Blood Type(Optional): (You don't have to put this. Actually, please don't. I'm not a vampire.)

Song Type: (Is this happy, sad, etc.? Try and get a feeling in here.)

Song Notes (Optional): (Write out long paragraphs... I mean any specifics about the sound you are looking for here.

Composition Length (Optional): (Only put times to the minute on here. I cannot promise I will even be able to reach those, but I can try.)

References: (Are there any songs you want me to listen to because you can't quite put into words what sound you are looking for? Want to add on to your song notes but didn't want to make that section too long? Do it here. This is the equivalent of "Other")

And that's all there is to it!

I reiterate, wait time could and often will be more than one month. I promise you I am working on the composition, but these things do take time. Please be patient. That being said, if you are anxious and think I might not be working on yours, feel free to send me an R-mail nudge every once and a while. :)


10:23pm Jan 3 2015 (last edited on 7:16pm Feb 13 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
((You, anxious))

Green, where is my piece?

Are you working on it?


* * *

Here I will list all the commissions I am working on/have finished to keep you from worrying yourself to death. This also illustrates the number of spots I have open at the moment.

(X= Working on it)(O= Omg it's done yay i've been waiting forever yaaas)(Y= :( Has he not even started yet? These other entries don't deserve time! Whaat! I must receive the musics nooow)

1. Meowmeow01 (X)

2. Hummingbird (O)

3. Toxoplasma (X)

4. MyMeloChan (X)

5. Lake (X)

Please note: I am only doing PIANO compositions. I have no ability within me to play any other instrument, yet alone compose on it.

Approximate Waiting Time Until More Spots Appear:

NO Spots Currently Available

2 Weeks to 4 Months


10:38pm Jan 3 2015 (last edited on 8:20pm Jan 26 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
How do I pay you Green ;_;

Good question! I accept the following payments:


Cash Points (@550k/1cp)

To be updated...

(Make an offer if you are unsure)


10:39pm Jan 3 2015 (last edited on 10:44pm Jan 3 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 139
O: I soo want a song. I'll get back too you. x3 Hopefully.


10:44pm Jan 3 2015 (last edited on 10:44pm Jan 3 2015)

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Posts: 3,163

Haha :)

Fill out the form and I'll see what I can do for you.


11:01pm Jan 3 2015

Normal User

Posts: 44
Username: meowmeow01

Commission Type: blah blah

Song Type: Mysterious, like wandering through the high-ceilinged halls of an ancient castle and listening to the ghosts of the past; the kings marching in majestically, the flourish of robes and gowns at the royal banquets, the servants busily at work. But behind all the memories, there is a sadness, a longing for the old days now lost. *accepts applause* "Thank you, thank you."
Song Notes (Optional): Only thing I'm going to specify is that I'd like a minor key :3. To go with them feels. I don't care which one, you can take the easy way and go A minor, or you can be fancy and go A# minor. (7 sharps!)

 Length (Optional): Try to get up to 4:00 please.

References: This is basically the kind of song I want, but I don't like the way this guy plays it. Too much mp, no dynamic change from there.
| | | | |


11:05pm Jan 3 2015 (last edited on 12:43pm Jan 4 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
Got it!


11:55pm Jan 3 2015

Normal User

Posts: 3
I will be back to commission you, mark my words!

My Phantom Is Here, Inside My Mind!

12:33pm Jan 4 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,191
Username: hazard a guess

Commission Type: original

Blood Type(Optional): im actually not sure what my blood type is, i think im AB?

Song Type: A lullaby!

Song Notes (Optional): I have a LOT of trouble sleeping at night, which pretty much only music can help. I think it's the background noise I can focus on so my mind doesn't go anywhere, but anyway.
What I'd like is a sort of lullaby--soft, sweet, relaxing. No super dramatic crescendos, just a general thing to relax to (although obvs the composition HAS  to have a climax) and try and sleep along. :B 
It doesn't matter if you go for a mournful route if it makes it easier--what I was thinking was more along the lines of tle="" target="_blank">The House At Swamp Bottom?
Composition Length (Optional): Really, just go as long as you feel it deserves. Like you said, it's fluid. Just follow your heart :P

Thank you very much, I'll send the tu right away!! This is wonderful you're doing this.

PS: Your example links don't work, I had to putz around with the resulting 404 page link :p

my name's russ and i only care about uldavi and cute men

12:43pm Jan 4 2015

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
Okay, Hummingbird, I'm on it!

And thank you for the note on the examples. I need to fix those so people can tell what my music can sound like :P 


1:01pm Jan 5 2015

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Posts: 284
*Whispers* I know where I'll be going when I'm rich again <3


9:38pm Jan 7 2015 (last edited on 9:38pm Jan 7 2015)

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Posts: 3,163
 Progress report, if any of the people on the list are curious:

Meowmeow01: I have a little thing going on with your piece that makes me want to name it "Ripple". I think I have a good [main?] part going on but we shall see if I can create a rest of the piece to go with it.

Hummingbird: Have a beautiful little tidbit going with your song way up in the treble clef, seeing what I can do about the bass as I expand. Have a good [beginning?] part going so far.


11:07pm Jan 7 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,191
I'm looking forward to it!! Thank you so much, what you do is really unique and I'm so excited. I'll definitely be commissioning you more after this (if you're up to it :B)

my name's russ and i only care about uldavi and cute men

7:09pm Jan 8 2015 (last edited on 7:09pm Jan 8 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
Great, Hummingbird <3


7:31am Jan 9 2015

Normal User

Posts: 44
Yay! It sounds absolutely lovely. Ripple sounds like dynamics, and I love dynamics! :3


7:21pm Jan 15 2015 (last edited on 9:24pm Jan 15 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 1,300
Username: Toxoplasma

Commission Type: Original

Blood Type(Optional): AB+... I think? Maybe AB-,,,,

Song Type: I think what I want is something like... Menacing/dangerous/creepy but also lost at a lot of parts? Something that clashes and seems kind of it changes "feelings" back and forth throughout?? I'm really bad at this I'm sorry ahaha...

Song Notes (Optional):
Okay so... When I say menacing I mean like... discordant sounds and kind of a slinking dangerous/scary melody, right?? Like a hunter hunting it's prey or someone acting rough and spiky in order to keep people away or even like... dark scary forest with ghosts and monsters. Whatever you find you'd rather do at the time.
And for the lost bits something space-y maybe? And kind of wistful and confused sounding? Long notes and soft "twinkles". I don't know if I'm getting this across right but like... I'll put some examples in the "Other" section.

Composition Length (Optional): Whatever you feel goes best!!!!

Okay this is a theme for a character rly so I don't know if seeing a pic would help with that?? But if it would tle="" target="">here's a link.

For the space-y deion I mean something a little like tle="" target="">this (twinkles) or tle="" target="">this.

And for the discordant sounds I mean something maybe like tle="" target="">this (the first 45 seconds before it gets super fast unless ur comfortable doing super fast in which case that's cool too) ortle="" target=""> this (0:40 to 1:00- just as an example for the harsh dissonant notes i guess)???? Alsotle="" target=""> this!! One of my favorite pieces!

Or creepy type music I think sounds nice! Like tle="" target="" style="line-height: normal;">this. Also, this isn't piano music, but a good example of around the type of creepy I mean is the tle="" target="" style="line-height: normal;">American Horror Story: Freakshow opening. (Fair forewarning, I suggest just opening the link in a new tab, because the opening sequence is kinda freaky/scary and I couldn't find a vid that didn't actually have the opening sequence playing that sounded right. So if you're easily spooked I wouldn't open that in a tab you can view. :c)

Idk sorry if that's too many example!!! I don't mean you have to incorporate all of theme I'm just really about giving a thorough explanation! If I'm not clear enough or it seems to bleh or difficult that's totally fine, too. uwu


8:28pm Jan 15 2015 (last edited on 8:28pm Jan 15 2015)

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Posts: 3,163
Received! I don't know how soon I will be able to start on it, having been so consumed with the other two works (see their progress below) but you can keep checking back for that Y to become an X :D


I think I have maybe a new part going? I'm still trying to transition out of the "rippling" for the next segment which I hope to be a temporary somber trip to major.


This. Has. Come. Along. Amazingly. I. Hope. You. Will. Like. It. As. Much. As. I. Do.

Also I'm taking a more modern approach to lullaby, so don't kill me please if I only mainly stick to the rule of soft  ;-;


8:56pm Jan 15 2015

Normal User

Posts: 257
Username: MyMeloChan

Commission Type: Original

Song Type: This will be a slow, melancholic piece slowly transitioning to a pretty, dynamic sound that will calm down and have a sudden end.

Song Notes: I need something to calm me down, and help me get back up in a tough time. Usually piano music helps me get through rough patches.

Composition Length: Maybe 2-4 minutes? :)

Something similar to these pieces? -  
(minus all the strings playing in the background lol)

Thank you for doing this!

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