I started my entry when i came from school.
CLOCK 9PM appeared! o __o
My mom shouted at me because i should be going to showerr lol
and i had done NONE of my homeworks.
Oh well, what can i say.
I love you foo. o 3o
tle=".. You know how some people like each other and then we apparently just be together. It's weeeeird stuff, man. ö _ö">( link for zooooom )
I didnt have much time to shade it uber awesomely,
but i at least shaded 'em a bit o 3o
Edit: Btw, Datsik was running after the apple.
Yes. Maybe it's his teachery-ish-ness o _ O
Edit nr 2: Yeah, i saw that "Dont entry since that"
after i put my entry up o . x You mind? Count this up
when the contest continues, 'kay? ; 3;