.: L O U H I : .
The Louhi is back!
Another year, another start. Momma Louhi has returned with a new batch of adorable lil' pups!
.: R U L E S : .
I. Do not steal, or resell.
II. I will only take 5 orders at a time.
III. Each user is only allowed to order once at a time. No multiple orders.
IV. Unclaimed Louhi will be deleted after 2 weeks.
.: A D O P T I O N : .
[Female Louhi]
Female Louhi are more prone to some mutations than males are. These include the common mutations, the Aura of good, albinism, transparent glass, and ghostly. Patterns are random.
Cost: 100K
[Male Louhi]
Male Louhi are more prone to some mutations than females are. These include the uncommon mutations, the Aura of evil, melanism, skeletal, and undead. Patterns are random.
Cost: 100K
[Radioactive Louhi]
Radioactive Louhi have a 100% chance of a mutation of some sort from the list below. Patterns are random.
Cost: 150K
[Custom Louhi]
Custom Louhi give the user a chance to customise the design of the Louhi, as well as to choose its gender. However, custom Louhi will not come with any random mutation.
Cost: 150K
[Louhi Revamp]
Some users have ordered Louhi before, and if you have one, and want it revamped into the new base, feel free to do so.
Cost: 50K
.: M U T A T I O N S : .
Common Mutations: Bird Wings: 34% Bat wings: 9% Mane: 24% Horn: 9% Teeth and claws: 7% Butterfly Wings: 9%
Mini wings: 4%
Aura Mutations: Aura of Evil: 4% Aura of Good: 4%
Coloration defects: Albinism: .9% Melanism: .9%
Uncommon Mutations: Cerberus: 1% Orthrus: 1% Multi Tail: 1% Multi Limb: 1% Alien: 1%
Rare Mutations: Scales: .9% Transparent Glass: .1% Robotic: .2% Skeletal: .4% Undead: .1% Ghostly: .1%
.: F O R M : .
Louhi Type:
Gender of Louhi
Name of Louhi:
Custom?(If custom, post ref):
Revamp?(If so, please post original Louhi):
.: S L O T S : .