[MK's art shop]

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8:48am Apr 22 2014 (last edited on 10:53am Apr 26 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 540

Hello and welcome to my li'l art shop!

I'm back here and I've been popping in the SB a bit and it seems like some people still remember me and still like my art. So I thought, might as well get a little commissions shop going to get some extra practice and raise my account's economic worth. I won't be exactly super active and I may take some breaks before opening the shop again after a few pictures have been completed, but I'll try to keep it steady though slow.

Let's start with some rules slash guidelines and once we get those over with I'll move on to examlpes and prices.


1. You may be sick of hearing this but it's not a thing that's going to stop being said: art theft is the furthest possible thing from okay. You can display my art wherever you want as long as you credit me. Buying my art does not mean you made it.
2. I go to class and I get a lot of homework and I've also been having a lot of trouble concentrating on things so things might get slow at some points. I'll take no more than three commissions at a given time, and once slots are closed there will be no reservations unless you want to pay extra for them. An expensive extra. You'll just have to wait for me to open again. It might be as soon as i finish the previous pictures, or I might take a break, depends on how I'm feeling.
3. Unless it says so first thing on this post in big red letters, I'm not doing free art or cutting my prices if you can't afford it. It takes effort and time and I'm afraid you'll have to save up if you really want it. Or wait until I have some sort of promo on the thread (or I might make a new thread for it).
4. I will accept things besides pure TU as payment and I will list those in a different section.
5. Please don't advertise art contests here. If I want to participate in a contest I'll go look for the threads myself and if I like it enough I'll join. I'm not using this thread to seek art contests, I'm using it to sell my art.
6. One slot = one picture. To be fair to everyone, you can only have one slot at a time. If you want another piece you'll just have to wait until the shop is open again before requesting again.


I can vary my style a whole lot so I'll have a few different things to offer you, which I'll list now. Sadly I don't really have a whole lot of recent examples, and my style won't look exactly like the things I'll post since it changes quite a lot. Also I'm afraid most of the examples if not all of them will be fantrolls or related to fantrolls.

Homestuck Hero Mode Style

-doesn't need to be a troll or a homestuck fancharacter really it can be anything
-i'm not going to do a panel with a background and all that stuff just a fullbody like the first examples

15,000,000+ TU

Sketch + Flat Colors
here’s everyone’s favourite pale otp
<br />
they probably talkin *censored* bout karali
Bust: 7,000,000+ TU
Waist: 10,000,000+ TU
Knee: 13,000,000+ TU
SD/Chibi: 13,000,000+ TU
Quad: 13,000,000+ TU

Clean + Flat Colors
Bust: 13,000,000+ TU
Waist: 15,000,000+ TU
Knee: 17,000,000+ TU
SD/Chibi: 17,000,000+ TU
Quad: 17,000,000+ TU
Full: 20,000,000+ TU

Full Color
Bust: 20,000,000+ TU
Waist: 23,000,000+ TU
Knee: 25,000,000+ TU
SD/Chibi: 25,000,000+ TU
Quad: 25,000,000+ TU
Full: 27,000,000+ TU


Like I said, pure TU is not the only thing I'll be willing to accept in payment. You could pay partially or completely with items and/or pets, but if so I'll ask for some overpay. So if you're buying something that would cost 15m in TU, you could pay it with a bunch of items/pets amounting to ~20m, or add 5m pure TU to ~15m worth of items.

Here's what I'll take:
-Some RWNs (just ask)
-Colored seasonals
-Expensive/rare clothing items (I missed a few seasonal events so there's that)
-Cash shop items and clothing
-Kir quest:
Albino Gondra

I'll ask you to pay after I'm done with the picture.


I'll need a good visual reference or a very clear and detailed deion (if you want to offer both I won't complain). Tell me a bit about the character(s) and what you want the picture to be like so I can have some ideas for the poses/expressions. I won't give you a form to fill out but you're very welcome to write one yourself to have all the info neatly.


As stated before, I'll only be taking three commissions at a time. However, you can buy yourself a priority slot if you're just really desperate or something. If you do, that means I'll work on finishing that picture first.

(+5,000,000 TU worth to full picture price)

1. Sagitaurus
2. UniqueSoul



8:49am Apr 22 2014 (last edited on 10:43pm Apr 23 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 540

 Thought this was over yet? Too bad, it isn't. I'm putting this down here because I'll handle sketches differently than the other pieces. Unlike the other pieces, I will allow a waiting list for sketches and these will be open and closed regardless of what's going on with the other shop. This means that you can order a sketch at any time as long as it says it's open.

These will have a min. price of 5m, +2m for any added character.

Waiting list




8:49am Apr 22 2014

Normal User

Posts: 540
reserving post


10:26pm Apr 22 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,299
Hey, Makah!!!! Long time no see! owo

request:  My objecthead character, Ryad. uwu

reference:He's sort of clumsy and timid, and a bit of a nervous wreck. Ryad tries to come across as classy and sophisticated but usually ends up sprawled out on the floor and apologizing continuously.When he gets bad headaches, his head splits open a little and orange juice drips out, causing him to slip and fall even more than usual. His orange head floats just slightly above the collar of his shirt. 

Body type: 
Very tall and freakishly skinny, with rather broad shoulders and large feet.
[tle="" target="">x][tle="" target="">x][tle="" target="">x][tle="" target="">x]

A tan dress shirt with orange suspenders the same color as his head (his socks and underwear are this color, too.) Brown dress pants and tie the same color, a black and white belt, and black and white oxford dress shoes. He also has a gross brown tweed blazer (like the one in back in the ref).
[tle="" target="">an orange][ta:image/jpeg;base64,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ti
tle="" target="">t
ie][tle="" target="">pants][tle="" target="">belt][tle="" target="">blazer][tle="" target="">shoes]

Art Style: Full color, full body?? uwu

Pose Suggestion: Maybe him having fallen back onto his butt, head slightly split and looking dazed/embarassed????? 

Offer: Pure tu, though if you could look around my showroom "Selling" section to see if there's any RWNs you like, it would be nice. uwu 


3:51am Apr 23 2014


Posts: 3,217
Hello Makah :D 
if I was to order would I be able to Rmail pictures?
(as I would want it done of a real person/ from pictures?)


10:08am Apr 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 540
Hiara- hey hey been a while. that sounds like i'm gonna have fun w that character.

Zen- no problem w that


11:34am Apr 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 910
Hello darling!  I was hoping I could place an order for a sketch and a commission as well. u v u

Subject Species: Troll
Design: Clothing {{ Black T-shirt, Grey Jeans, Overjacket, converse sneakers}} Overbite with rounded teeth, pudgy/ overweight
Personality: Fearful - Tentative - Avoidant
Age: 23 human years
Sex: Male
Commission Type: Sketch

Subject Species: Human Trickster
Sex: Female
Commission Type: Hero Mode

Umum I'm not 100% sure of this reference, I may run back and change it later today.  I hope that will be okay. ;v;


1:11pm Apr 23 2014 (last edited on 4:38pm Apr 23 2014)


Posts: 3,217

Full colour waist (priority)

Refs: Rmailed
*separate Rmail for tattoos*  

Pose: Rmailed

Purple T shirt and dungarees


(ignore the gun leg xD)


^ smilie ear plug :D 


smiling sweetly or a big open mouth grin  

(if open mouthed: has a tongue bar)


11:55pm Apr 23 2014 (last edited on 11:56pm Apr 23 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 540
@Zen - tle="" target="">[X] can't tell over a white background but it's transparent with a white outline. if you prefer a solid white background version just let me know.


2:00am Apr 24 2014


Posts: 3,217

oh gosh *0*

That's amazing!

This version with the white outline is perfectly fine :D

Thank you so much <3


Sending a tip too


5:52pm Apr 25 2014

Normal User

Posts: 540
you're welcome and thanks a lot for the tip uvu

@Hiara- tle="" target="">[X] here you go. transparent with a white outline but i can change that if wanted.


6:26pm Apr 25 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,299
ahhhhhh he's hella cute thank u so much!!!!!! 
if it's.... not too much to ask, could you put a little leaf on his head??? if not that's totally ok i know art is a lot of work and i don't want to be a bother ahhhhhhh,,,


7:39pm Apr 25 2014

Normal User

Posts: 540
no problem, it's just a small edit tle="" target="">[x] here you go uvu


8:27pm Apr 25 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,299
thank u so much! uwu <3


10:42am Apr 26 2014 (last edited on 10:49am Apr 26 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 827
Oooh! Your art is gorgeous! I just can't hold myself back, I just have to order!

Could I get a full body, full color of my dryad hybrid Olesya?


Appearance: This dryad hybrid stands at a short five foot. She is short and doll like with long, raven black hair, china skin, and long dark eyelashes that frame her big black eyes. Although her eyes might be a soulless black, they are anything but ordinary for they have gold, orange and red flecks that shimmer within them and make them glow with an autumn like quality. Olesya's hair holds dark ringlet curls that fall down to her waist and amounts to such a volume that seems to be too heavy for her little body. As for her attire, Olesya seems to be keen on wearing scarlet dresses that are full of ribbons and bows that very in length but are always classic lolitas. She also wears black, calf length boots that are wound with white ribbons, a black overcoat and an old rusty silver locket that is circular and has nothing but her name graved inside.

Other: Dress looks something like --> http://neko-vi.deviantart.com/art/Classic-Eglantine-176856164

Personality: This young hybrid speaks her mind ruthlessly and ins't afraid of the actions caused by her sharp tongue. Her blunt and rude personality has, and will surely continue to cause her a lot of trouble, but nothing she can't handle. Despite her vulnerable aspects -- her petite stature, being a dryad, and a girl --  Olesya can hold her own, though, it only seems appropriate seeing as she is used to being alone, has been alone for quite some time and has taken care of herself ever since. The reason for her abandonment and solitude is unclear to the young girl, and the subject of her family is a touchy one. Olesya doesn't remember what happened to her family and their faces in her sparse and short memories are a blur. Truthfully, this dryad has a strong wall built up around her that is nearly impenetrable, however, when the subject or memory of her family comes up, the wall comes down. Like a child she would break, tears and snot not knowing embarrassment. Be it in public or in solitude, Olesya would become a mess and roll herself in a ball and usually cry herself to sleep, only becoming stable as the slumber dissolves from her eyes. Though, it may seem like this hybrid would be easy to bully and given the name of a crybaby, there are very few who know of her weakness, for Olesya's people skills aren't the best. Considering that this dryad hybrid has been alone for such a long time and doesn't care to socialize with people, it is only logical that her people skills be horrible. Olesya carries herself with a superior aura which she feels is fairly accurate. She has an immense amount of confidence to the point where she looks down on others and doesn't bother to take into account other people's emotions. One may even suggest that she doesn't have a filter, thus she doesn't understand what things are appropriate to say and which aren't. However, it isn't just her people skills that cause dryads and people in general to hate her, but her temper that makes a scary combination with her sharp tongue. Olesya is easily rattled and her short temper is like a fuse waiting to be lit.

(for the pose, you can take it on as her personality seems fit or you could have her standing without a smile and a condescending look.)


12:23pm May 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 540
im sorry about taking so long with these but ive been grossly occupied
as soon as my life calms down a bit i'll get back on this stuff


1:02pm May 9 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
Before I go and order, would you take a small pile of colored seasonals as payment? As in, black and silver Ebilias, a calico Jaaku and/or Uilus, etc?


1:43pm May 15 2014 (last edited on 1:44pm May 15 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 557
I'd to snag that last open spot on your list if I may!
Full body human/husky-taur, full colored. 

Can I offer 50mil tu upfront for the slot? I like to tip, lol :3

& I don't mind waiting!

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