ℭoffee and ℭream Temp Bribe Human Art Shop

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5:19pm Jan 25 2010 (last edited on 5:20pm Jan 25 2010)

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Posts: 107


xxxxxxxxxxx ℭoffee and ℭream 

I'm bored out of my mind right now and I need something to draw. Subjects will be picked 60/40 mostly relying on the character or avi offered to be drawn. Waist ups are going to be the only thing offered at this time. Colored all in Copic and Prismacolor markers. If you have a specific pose you'd like to have drawn let me know when you order otherwise your OC/avi will just be standing there. If you want a background you're gonna need to offer me quite a big bribe. Just post with what you'd like to have drawn and the amount you're offering and I'll let you know if I accept or not.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ℭoffee and ℭream 
Below is where you can find my samples, just click on the little hearts to view the drawings. If you'd like to see more samples check out my tle="deviantart">dtle="deviantart">eviantart page for more drawings.



7:32pm Jan 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,301

Nyu~ I luff your art, Dev, but I'm not gewd with pricing. xD

How much do you think my persona on my profile would be? o3o


8:35pm Jan 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 107
I'd say probably about 75k maybe 120k?


9:03pm Jan 25 2010 (last edited on 4:20pm Jan 26 2010)

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Posts: 1,301
I'll give ya 300k. ;3


11:57am Jan 26 2010

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Posts: 1,701
I have a fursona (ref on my profile), but do you think you could make him into a persona? Sorta anthro but more human like. Like with ears, hair, markings, tail etc .I can offer you at least 400k probably more.


12:21am Jan 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 107

@Hiara:  Yea that'd be fine with me.


@Ferniio: I'm not sure if I'd be able to do that. Do you have possibly any specifics of things you'd want for him in a human form? Like hair color/style?


5:22am Jan 30 2010 (last edited on 8:45am Jan 30 2010)

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Posts: 1,701

Hair and style colour the same as on my fursona, that big fluffy green quif thing but can you add some small sideburns aswell :P He has pale skin and green eyes.

As for everything else. Like clothes and stuff, just green and purple to match my fursona.

He wears a chekered shirt like tle="http://i48.tinypic.com/353dno6.jpg">this but green putple and white instead of grey and as for pants he wears dark grey/black skinny jeans. He wears purple converse and he wears a belt like tle="http://www.bluebanana.com/images/productimages/24283.jpg">this. Oh and he wears fingerless gloves like tle="http://www.newcoolshades.com/photos/GL2090%20FINGERLESS%20GLOVES%20WITH%20GEL%20AND%20AIRHOLES%20$14.95.jpg">this.

Also if you can fit it in, see the marking on my fursona's back? Maybe you could give him a tattoo on his back of that :P

Oh and don't forget to add his big fluffy tail and ears :P

Does this help? (:




8:17am Jan 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,440

Im almost requesting like fernio here XD

I'd like the wolf on my profile made into a humany person. His skin is caucasion and REALLY paper white(pale) and everything else is the same as is on the wolf. He doesnt sport a shirt((because he's cool like that)) but he wears dark denim jeans.

Laya on Dragonadopters Click please<3

10:31am Jan 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 680

Could I get 2 or 3 for 450k each?

I want either- ( Order of preference is Rane, Persona, Melody, Orchid, Albina then Shayla <3)



(Either costume :3 I have short hair now :3)







Thanks <33 


1:30am Jan 31 2010 (last edited on 1:35am Jan 31 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 107

@ferniio:  After thinking it over for a little while I think I'm goint to have to pa-ss on drawing him sorry.


 @shadowrider:  I'm sorry but he doesn't really interest me


@Kittz: I'd love to draw your persona, Albina, Melody, and Orchid for you!


6:04am Jan 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,701
That's cool (:


6:51am Jan 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 680
Hehe Okay <33 Your art is prudy <3


2:41pm Jan 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 107
Do you have specific poses your like for any of then Kittz?


7:03pm Jan 31 2010

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Posts: 1,708
Got room for another Commsion?


4:00pm Feb 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 269

I would like one tell me how much this would cost! >.< I think your art work is awsome!

Hair color: Strawberry-blonde

Hair length:a few inches longer then sholder length


Eye color:Baby blue, Misty

Eyebrow color: Same as hair

Clothes:Don't care whatever is cheap! XD

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9:49pm Feb 2 2010

Normal User

Posts: 107

Sure I got room for more SugarRush.


I'd say about 400k greatmajo,  do you have any specific style you'd like for the bangs? Like a center part, parted to the left, parted to the right, no part (ie all the bangs in the center)


5:03pm Feb 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 269
Well I am a lot of my bangs parted to my right and a little to the left I guess that would be fine ^^

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7:08pm Feb 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 393
Omg your art is awesome, but I dont have tu for it. good Luck!


12:19pm Feb 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 269
is it to late for me to say nvm I change my mind I will just wait later on in the year to get one from you!?

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9:26pm Feb 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 107
Yea thats fine Majo, if its a problem with you not haiving enough tu you can pay with a pet or two

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