Thank you so much for subscribing! I'm sorry I have abandoned the adopts for so long, but I have some new ones in the works! They will be entirely different though & I will be posting a new thread for them when they're ready! I'll be sure to post a link here for anyone that may be interested. :) <3 Really appreciate the support and kind words, it's super motivating for me.
@River - I'm sorry for the late response! I had not considered doing customs yet to be honest. It may be doable! :) I will look over my files and post here if I decide to do them. Though, I'm not entirely sure what to charge..
@Sophia - there aren't any available anyhow, so you're not missing out on anything. :)
@Sophia -I have some different adopts I am working on, but there probably won't be more of these unless I offer custom slots. I use Adobe Photoshop CC and sometimes Sai.
@Sophia - My adopts will cost the same for everyone when they are ready, which will probably be at least 20 mil. If you have any more questions, please rmail me so we aren't sending out alerts to everyone that subscribes to this thread. thank you :)