Pricing: over 5k please..
That is my only current example right now.
I want to be able to afford to get my rachand show room majorly updgraded. I can do edits pretty good. Not adding items and moving stuff around, but I can play with the colors pretty good.
Pre-Tip: ((eggs, items, TU))
Here are some more examples that I used for my pets. =]]
Here are some eggs that I am looking for as well that you can use for payment
** Ardur
tips in TU- I will take anything over 2k
tips in items- anything food related. I like to keep my pets fed, or try to =]]
How about custom made pac-man?
Here is a leverene themed one, uncolored.
request one, first 3 people who request, get them for free. If they don't sale, I will not put them up.
animated slideshows for your pets... like a family thing, ya know.
Price: what ever you think it is worth..
I will do up to 4 images each, 4 each animated slideshow per user.
A nightmare effect would look pretty cool. adds a good effect per profile.
Price will be whatever. First 3 users to request one, will get it for free.
The price is undecided so give whatever you think is worth it.
**any one can use the example previewed up top for the nightmare effect.
Keep my show room update because thats where I am planning to put most of my pets that I win from auction, or hatch that I do not wish to have on my profile.