Hallo. :3 I'm looking to buy some art. What kind of art? A request art. :D It's not going to be too hard, it's actually quite simple. I just really, really want some art. :3
Here's how we're going to do it:
You show me examples, and I chose whether I want you to draw for me or not.
It's like American Idol, only with less fail and less naggy Paula Abdule and jerk-ish Simon whocareswhathisnameis. :D
Here is your plea:
1) Art Example:
2) Charge:
And by "Charge", I mean "How much of my tu are you going to steal from me?" Only in a nicer way. :3
Cute, no?
Do not, I repeat: DO NOT draw this now! You MUST be approved! If you draw this and show it as your example and I don't like it, I will not pay you. Tough.
Halp me find some awesome arts pls? :3