♣ See's Custom Human/Animal Commissions ♣

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1:58pm Jun 4 2013 (last edited on 2:56pm Jun 21 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 371
Newly open!



[Spider warning on bust #1!]

Full body: 1 2 3 4
Head shot/bust: 1  2
Chibi: 1 2 3 


Full body: 1 2 3
Chibi: 1 2



Full body: 30m
Head shot/bust: 15m
Chibi: 5m


Full body: 15m
Chibi: 3m



[Maximum 1 full body/2 chibi/2 head shots per order!]

Type 1: [human/animal]
Type 2: [full body, headshot/bust (human only!), chibi]
Style: [i.e. human chibi example 1 would get you a chibi like the one linked as 1]
Price: [based on type 1 and 2]
Examples: [These are of YOUR character that you want drawn so that I know what to do! If you don't have any, try to give me a good deion, with some photo references of clothes/accessories if possible.]
Anything else?:


1. Graveyardfox - almost done!
2. UniqueSoul

I am only keeping one slot open at a time! However, I am out of school now so that means that the slots should open up fairly quickly, and I'll go ahead and open one when I'm almost done with a previous commission. Check back every couple days or so! I will also be advertising in the SB.

If there's anything else in the form that I've forgotten to add, just add it in for me. I'd prefer that you post here, but you may rmail me if you'd rather. If you rmail me your form, I'll send you a reply to assure you that I've gotten it. If you don't receive a reply within two days, please send again! Your commission will not be added to the Slots section until you send me the payment, and I will also not begin your commission until I've gotten the alert that payment has been sent. If you have an issue with this, I'm sorry, it's just the way I work.


(My username was Seeshell before I used an FBC to change it to Vagabond. Some of the examples may have the signature 'Seeshell.' IT IS MY ART. Thank you.)


2:17pm Jun 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,071
Type 1: animal -- Calico Uilus
Type 2: full body
Style: #3
Price: 15mil
calico adolescent

Only I would like to have antlers (rather than it's regular horns) and the feathery medallions like this: 
Anything else?:


3:36pm Jun 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 371
Thanks for buying! I'll start on it right away.


6:25pm Jun 7 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
I'm just gonna sub here and wait for the slot to open. owo
I did have a question.
When it says maximum 1 Full Body/2 Chibi/2 Head shots per order, would I be able to order a chibi and a head shot instead of two of either?

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

11:20am Jun 8 2013

Normal User

Posts: 371
Sure, Grave, that would be fine. c:


4:24pm Jun 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 371
I'm almost done with the first commission so I went ahead and opened a second slot. <3


6:53pm Jun 9 2013 (last edited on 9:08pm Jun 9 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 827
I was going to snatch the slot, but I didn't think I'd be fair to Grave. Now if only he can get it before someone else comes along ^^

*Waits till more slots open*


11:26pm Jun 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 371
I'll go ahead and fill Grave in, and I'll PM you when they open up, Unique.


11:42am Jun 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 827
Awe, okay, thanjs Vaga


7:35pm Jun 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
Thanks for fitting me in. <3

Type 1: Human
Type 2: 1 headshot/bust and 1 chibi
Style: Human Bust Example 2 and Human Chibi Example 2
Price: 20mil
Examples: http://s24.postimg.org/h3z94irgl/chaosumbreon_B.png
The thing on his head is a pair of goggles, and his boots look like this: http://www.prlog.org/11959477-fashion-mens-black-boots-shoes.jpg and his jeans are tucked into the boots like the picture.
He's based on an Umbreon so his tail does look like an Umbreon's except a bit longer and less stiff-looking (it's not really visible in my drawing): http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SPx7WGMp7kw/TaNc7Q5U0UI/AAAAAAAAAxs/Jli3-beZAuc/s1600/umbreon.jpg
He also does have a ring on his forehead like an Umbreon that's the same color as the rings on his ears and tail but it may or may not be visible depending on how his hair falls (it's thick enough to not really be seen most of the time, however).
The grey thing under his blue shirt is a hoodie. He doesn't usually pull it up though.
Anything else?:
He's more calm-ish and mellow so he doesn't have super excited expressions, but he does smile and such.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

11:33pm Jun 12 2013

Normal User

Posts: 371
No problem. But the way, I require payment before I begin a commission. ;w; Sorry!


6:14pm Jun 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
Ah, no problem. Sorry, I forgot about that. ^^;

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

8:20pm Jun 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 371
Almost done with your commission, Loki. <3

Opening another slot!


7:34pm Jun 18 2013 (last edited on 8:04pm Jun 18 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 827
Type 1: Human
Type 2: Head shot/Bust
Style: Human Bust 2
Price: 15,000,000
Anything else?: If you want, you could draw him with on or with his mask in his hand. If you draw him without his mask on then I should probably let you know that his eyes are deep blue.

~TU has been sent


2:55pm Jun 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 371
He looks awesome, Unique. Thanks for the order!

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