-- tentative coding commissions --

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6:01pm Dec 13 2013 (last edited on 6:04pm Jan 24 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 708
reopening in a short while, or when i feel i'm up to it.


much tu, very need.

 - - - - - - -

and since selling creatu here nowadays is hella terrible and i've got free time (like 2 months ohoho) i've decided to start up coding commissions once more.

examples include // click for full size:

tle="" href="http://i1360.photobucket.com/albums/r650/pugglefluff/cloudlybig_zps9d2bd606.png">tle="Click for a larger view" id="imgElement" alt=""> tle="" href="http://i1360.photobucket.com/albums/r650/pugglefluff/beigebig_zps35c9391e.png">tle="Click for a larger view" id="imgElement" alt="">

- - -

tle="Click for a larger view" id="imgElement" alt=""> tle="" href="http://i1360.photobucket.com/albums/r650/pugglefluff/aerixbig_zpsf193b2cd.png">tle="Click for a larger view" id="imgElement" alt="">

previews can be shown @ request.
profiles with the quality like the ones above cost 5m each. additional graphics are 500k ea if required.
petpages on the other hand are 2m; graphics are also 500k, example above shows an attempt at a background and the art thing was done by me aehghghf (coughs/chokes)

forms will be on the next post so stick around if you're still interested.


6:59pm Dec 13 2013 (last edited on 4:22am Dec 14 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 708

#1 -- Completely Custom (5m)

background (either you provide a bg image link, a colour, or give me something to work with and i'll make one for you) -
2 colours (hex preferred; can be found tle="" href="http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html">here) -
what do you want and where (eg. 3 boxes on the left side, an image on the right) -
fonts (2 preferred: one for a tle="" href="http://www.google.com/fonts/">ti
and another for tle="" href="http://cssfontstack.com/">general use)

anything else -

#2 -- Generic Not-As-Customizable (2m)

background (either you provide a bg image link, a colour, or give me something to work with and i'll make one for you) -
what do you want and where (eg. 3 boxes on the left side, an image on the right, the thing with the pets/profile info in the middle) -
colours (hex preferred; can be found tle="" href="http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html">here) -
fonts (2 preferred: one for a tle="" href="http://www.google.com/fonts/">ti
and another for tle="" href="http://cssfontstack.com/">general use)

transitions (say,
 do you want your profile to be half transparent and then fully visible
when you hover over it, do you want li.nks to change colour when you
hover over them, perhaps a secret image to appear out of nowhere)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ✂ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


background (either you provide a bg image link, a colour, or give me something to work with and i'll make one for you) -
what do you want and where (eg. 3 boxes on the left side, an image on the right, the main pet info in the middle) -
colours (hex preferred; can be found tle="" href="http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html">here) -
fonts (2 preferred: one for a tle="" href="http://www.google.com/fonts/">ti
and another for tle="" href="http://cssfontstack.com/">general use)

anything else -


4:28am Dec 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 708
sb ad i guess:
[url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/art/-tentative-coding-commissions-/] ◄ such code, very commission !! (5m completely custom profiles yo)


1:30am Dec 29 2013

Normal User

Posts: 22
ola ~
i'm in need of a completely custom profile (5mil)

colors: #E0E0E0 (gray) and #000000 (black)
what i want and where i want it: the ti
tle of the profile would be "River". i would like a medium-sized info box in the middle of the page (should be able to scroll down if there's a lot of info) and i would like this gif (http://static.tumblr.com/99973ec3e012f483d6a67771311f5d99/t1g3jk0/Runmn6f19/tumblr_static_sidebar.gif) shaped into a small circle placed inside the box, right on top.
right under that, i'd like four links; home, showroom, merchant and rancher. 
fonts: "the girl next door" as the ti
tle. "optima" for general.
other things: i want the information box to be outlined in gray and for it the be transparent.

that is all. thank you very much.


6:52pm Dec 29 2013

Normal User

Posts: 708
oo yeah that looks good -- just a note though; I'm Uilus hunting right now so I'll start it when I'm finished, thanks! ^ v ^


10:19pm Dec 30 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,049
ok omg i really love your coding just a;sldkjf they're so cute

i know this is sort of a weird order but I just wanted to put this out there to see if you'd be up for it.

Basically, when you click on the banner in my signature, it leads you through a story that's told in sections on different pet pages. But the coding's sort of all messed up and weird, and I'd really like to get it properly done. What I'd be asking for is a pet page that I could use for each section of the story and a profile that acts as the first page/section of the story.

The pet pages would either be all the same or all be different and based on each section of the story.

Price isn't really an issue; if you wanted to do individual pet pages I'd pay you a loT
like idk double or triple what you're asking for a single custom profile, per page.

The style that I'd be looking for is sort of like the first or fourth example that you have up there, really simple and small and in the middle. And I really don't care what the design looks like, I'd give you free reign to do whatever you think looks nice (unless it'd be easier for you if I just gave you a design to work with).

I'm sorry if this is really confusing ;-; If you're up to it I can fill out all the forms and things later.

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

3:01am Dec 31 2013

Normal User

Posts: 708
Eee thank you !! uw u;
No no no not confusing at all - I think I can do that. c: i think that idea's pretty cool actually, although I've got another two, three profiles to do at the moment so you might have to wait a bit for that but the petpages should be a-ok.


3:14pm Jan 1 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,049
alright, great! As I said, you can do anything that you think looks good, but I have a few guidelines in mind? This would be for both the pet pages and the profile. 

I want something that looks vaguely wallpaper-y. like, for a child's room. I like thick stripes. preferably either beige or blue or both.

What I want:
a box right in the middle for the story text with a small toy graphic above it or around it. (for example, the toy soldier that I already have up there).

I do have some colour palettes in mind though, or something along these lines:


And here are some ideas for fonts I have in mind:
The Girl Next Door
Josefin Sans
Reenie Beanie

Transitions: (for the profile)
directly to the right of the box in the middle, I'd like a couple little semi-transparent boxes with links for alerts, my showroom, my rancher and my gallery, that turn opaque when you hover over them.

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->
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