4:43am Mar 23 2017 (last edited on 1:58am Mar 30 2017)
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
Having lived within the city's walls your entire life, you had never seen the Watchtower before today. Stories were told about it by the hearth, tales of men with the eyes of eagles and of women with the ability to blend into the very Earth herself.
You know now those stories were not of the humans in the Tower.
You were chosen to join the King's Guard. Having neither the sight of a raptor nor the skin of a chameleon, you wondered how you could possibly be of use. Perhaps a mere busboy or serving girl is what they had in mind.
Instead, you have been presented with three eggs. The Keeper tells you that the beasts within are the source of the rumors - creatures that are able to sight and take down prey in merely a few moments.
She encourages you to choose a Sentryhound egg.
------------------------- LORE
Eggs -Sentryhound eggshells are covered in what, at first glance, appear to be either rock or scale. Some of them reflect with a shine, others are matte. -Eggs seem to manifest out of thin air. -Because of this, eggs are almost never found in large batches. Theories state that this is because the Sentryhound parents expend large amounts of energy creating the eggs.
Pups -Pups are covered in a very soft down and upon hatching already show signs of curiosity and independence. -They also appear to be covered in the same tough hide as the eggs. -Personalities differ wildly between hounds even at a young age. -They imprint upon the first thing sighted. -Pups are between 5 and 8 inches at birth (~12 - 20 cm).
Adults -Grown Sentryhounds typically only have bright colors in either their armor, feathers, or fur. Never all three. -They're a very loyal species and would lay down their life for their 'parent.' -Hounds cannot be sexed. There is no dimorphism at all - they are all the same in this regard. -Their armor is a natural growth and will continue developing through a Sentryhound's life. -Sentryhounds average 5 ft at the hip (~1.5 m), though some may get larger. - Certain colors are very rare for armor - green, red, and blue. - It has been theorized that the color of a hound's armor is based on the type of minerals in the environment.
Breeding -Breeding requires two Sentryhounds from willing owners. - 2-3 eggs will be created.
Non-Canon - Each owner may take one egg and, in the case of a third, the remaining egg will be available for adoption by anyone for half the price of a regular premade. - The total price is as says - the total. Each owner may contribute half, one may not pay at all, it doesn't matter as long as it totals to 10mil. -If you own two or more hounds, you may breed yours together. -Instead of selling off the third egg, the owners may decide to gift it to someone who does not already have a hound.
-An accessory's color may be picked or left up to chance. ------------------------- RULES
- Sentryhounds are my own (semi-closed) species, so please do not make one yourself!
- If you take an egg from a batch you are not permitted another egg from the next.
- Customs outside of lore can have any color they wish on any part. Those within lore are only embellished in either the armor, feathers, or fur.
TBA ------------------------- OWNERS
------------------------- COST
5,000,000 Premade Egg
10,000,000 Custom (Following Lore)
15,000,000 Custom (Outside Lore)
10,000,000 Breeding (Total)
2,500,000 Leftover Egg
500,000 Candles Leg Warmers
------------------------- SB ADVERT
Congrats, you've been selected to join the crew at the Watchtower! [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/art/-the-watchtower-/] Perhaps you'll meet a new friend while you're there? {Breeding open!}
{350x400} Pie has 5m in credit -------------------------
4:45am Mar 23 2017
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
The Keeper watches closely as you choose your egg, quill and parchment ready to record your first steps together.
4:48am Mar 23 2017
Normal User 
Posts: 1,009
Howdy there! I'd like to 'adopt'/buy #2 please. :D Send tu!
4:52am Mar 23 2017
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
As you pick up the egg, a faint scrabbling can be heard from inside before the small, downy baby breaks its way through.
4:59am Mar 23 2017
Normal User 
Posts: 169
i'd like to claim eggy #3 please!! <3
5:02am Mar 23 2017
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
You watch the egg eagerly, scouring the shell for any signs of cracks. The egg explodes, conveniently timed to when you lean down to peer closer.
This child does not regret giving you a scare.
5:30am Mar 23 2017
Normal User 
Posts: 1,248
Oh my, how cute. Can I buy the last egg? Sending TU
5:34am Mar 23 2017
Normal User 
Posts: 122
/whispers/ don't mind me just subscribing
5:35am Mar 23 2017
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
Your egg hatches almost as soon as you touch. Free at last from the eggshells, it wiggles its butt excitedly and pounces on your foot. Adorable.
7:05pm Mar 23 2017
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
For those of you currently being recruited, the King's Guard has found two new Sentryhound eggs!
(Unfortunately for the first three eggs I forgot to save the .psd files. This means that future features may not work properly with them and any Sentries after them will look slightly different. ): Sorry guys </3)
7:08pm Mar 23 2017
Normal User 
Posts: 120
May I buy #2? Also, subbing, and sending Tu
When someone is special to you, hold on to them for as long as you can. You never know when the day you have is your last.  
7:09pm Mar 23 2017
Normal User 
Posts: 368
May i buy #1;3;
7:09pm Mar 23 2017
Posts: 2,165
;o; subbing! These are so cool omg, I need one.
7:13pm Mar 23 2017
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
The pup wiggles free of the egg. While you expected it to be more rambunctious, this one is very stoic.
In high contrast to Cortana's baby, this one is getting into everything.
7:16pm Mar 23 2017
Normal User 
Posts: 120
I'm going to name him Bassie. <3
When someone is special to you, hold on to them for as long as you can. You never know when the day you have is your last.  
7:19pm Mar 23 2017 (last edited on 7:20pm Mar 23 2017)
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
While you were distracted by the new hounds, it looks like yours has decided to lord over all the others. Size-wise, at least.
Unfortunately for Lance's Sentryhound, yours has decided to become its rival.
10:36pm Mar 23 2017
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
Two more eggs have been found!
10:43pm Mar 23 2017
Normal User 
Posts: 184
Ooh could i buy #1 please? Sending tu
10:47pm Mar 23 2017
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
Not even the eggshell is safe from this pup's teeth!
11:00pm Mar 23 2017
Normal User 
Posts: 1,477
bounces in well hi hey hello
I'd like to order a custom outside-lore doggerspook please ovo
I was mainly thinking for theme, something hell-houndy/possessed type thing uwu
I was thinking something along the lines of Red glowing eyes, dark fur (potentially extra floof around the neck area), bloodied paws/claws/armor, tail longer with an end point (i suppose like a devil's tail) exposed bone wherever fits, chipped armor potentially?
I'll leave it up to interpretation; Anything that makes it look more possessed/demonic/intimidating i'll be super wrapped with ;v;
Also please lemmie know if you're not confident with drawing some stuff, cos I can change my order if need be! ;o;
send tu now or later? ;3