~Traditional Art Comissions~

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1:40pm Dec 25 2014 (last edited on 1:43pm Dec 25 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,299
Hello all! I know many of you may know me, but by my old username: Hiara.

I've decided to try my hand at some traditional commissions~ uwu

I'll have to ask anyone interested to be patient. I have college and find it hard to finish commissions in a matter of hours. I'll try my hardest to get them done in a speedy manner, and I shouldn't take more than a few days tops, but I will not tolerate being harassed if it's only been a day.

Note #2:
I do not draw humans. I will if you -really- want me to, but they will turn out awfully. Fair warning.

I know it may seem harsh, but my schooling is first to me. I have no issuing being reminded/offering updates! I just ask for a little understanding~

Now! Onto the fun part~ 
My apologies for the lack of great examples; I don't usually scan my own pictures. Just take pictures of them, ahahah. 

(Price varies based on difficulty: 10mil-30mil)



These are all fairly recent drawings (within the last two months). Examples may change as more recent drawings are produced.


What you want drawn:
Refs (If available):
Other details:
Do you want shading?:

PLEASE use the above form when ordering art. Otherwise it's hard for me to keep everything organized for reference.



I do NOT do waiting lists, as it stresses me out and makes me feel overwhelmed.

Please allow me to get back with you before sending an assumed amount of tu/assuming I've accepted you commission.

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