✵ Treasure Seekers ✵

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3:00pm Oct 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 202
It was my pleasure! I will send them here if they ask, and maybe even if they don't  ;)


3:02pm Oct 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 114
That's very sweet of you! Now go forth and frolic with your new li'l Seekers! ^-^


6:18pm Oct 5 2013

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Posts: 114


2:04pm Oct 6 2013

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6:58pm Oct 7 2013

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6:16pm Oct 15 2013

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4:53pm Oct 16 2013

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5:09pm Oct 18 2013

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Posts: 114


5:13pm Oct 18 2013

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Posts: 1,105
subscribing,i will come back when i have some tu =3


5:18pm Oct 18 2013 (last edited on 5:56pm Oct 18 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 114
Thank you so much Holly ^^ You are very sweet with all these compliments *sniffle* Take your time!


3:01pm Oct 19 2013

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Posts: 114


11:20am Oct 20 2013

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Posts: 114


2:51pm Oct 21 2013

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3:19pm Oct 22 2013

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Posts: 114


8:26pm Oct 22 2013

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Posts: 114


6:40pm Oct 23 2013 (last edited on 6:41pm Oct 23 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 114
I've lowered the prices for a Seeker by 1mil TU each!


1:18pm Oct 24 2013

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Posts: 114


3:37pm Oct 24 2013

Normal User

Posts: 202
I'm flabbergasted you are not drowning in requests! I'd like to purchase the coin so my two seekers can reproduce :) I send you the tu :)


6:19pm Oct 24 2013

Normal User

Posts: 114
Aw thanks so much dphne! I will get right on this. Just so you know, the only thing different about the baby Seeker is floppy ears. When I was making this, I forgot to put an example of the baby Seekers. I'm also going to put up a potion that can make the babies grow up. It probably won't cost too much, but you can have it for free if you'd like considering that I never showed an example of a baby Seeker. ^^


10:15pm Oct 24 2013 (last edited on 10:33pm Oct 24 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 114
For dphne:
You look at your new Seekers, thinking to yourself that there is something missing, but you can't quite tell what it is. The owner leans across the counter with her elbows down on the table, giving you a curious look. "Somethin' the matter?"

You look up at the girl and you suddenly remember her talking about the breeding coin. That's what must be missing! Your Seekers need a family. You inform the girl that you'd like to buy one of the coins. 

The girl walks to the back of the room, takes a coin from the basket, and slips into the breeding room, shutting the door behind her. She comes out only moments later and nudges your two Seekers toward the back of the room. Although your Seekers seem to already enjoy each others company, the coin seems to be an incentive for them both. 

The girl leads them through the door and when, without thinking, you try to follow, she pushes you away. "Hey, hey, hey! No going in there. You have to give them some privacy." You blush a bit in realization and nod furiously to hide your blush. However, the girl doesn't seem to mind your blush and instead she goes back to the counter. 

After a few moments of waiting, you decide to leave the store for a bit. After a stroll around the block, you return to the store to see your two Seekers waiting patiently for you. With a smile, the girl assures you that in a week or two your Seekers will both be parents.

You take the two home and sure enough, in about two weeks, your Seekers have

A Baby Girl Seeker and a Baby Boy Seeker!

These two are both joyful, fun-loving Seekers! They have wonderful personalities and a ton of energy! While baby Seekers may be difficult to take care of, these two are run to be around. Baby Seekers are well known for their slightly floppy ears. Not having fully developed muscles strong enough, baby Seekers have trouble holding their own ears up. The muscles get stronger as the Seeker grows older.

Thanks so much for purchasing these two! Again, if you'd like for me to flip one of them, I'd be happy to . ^^

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