✵ Treasure Seekers ✵

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11:54pm Oct 24 2013

Normal User

Posts: 577
Can I get a green gem (3mil) with a brown potion (150k), green potion (100k), purple potion (50k), and dragon bone (500k). (4mil ;])
And a purple gem (3mil) with magenta potion (100k), teal potion (200k), red potion (200k), and enchanted feather (500k) (4mil)



2:45pm Oct 25 2013 (last edited on 3:07pm Oct 25 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 114
Fallyn - Hey there! I just wanted to inform you that the brown potion is now the aging potion rather than the potion for long horns (which it used to be). The gems give you an adult Seeker, so there is no need for the aging potion. Although, I'm going to assume that you meant the lime green (long horns) because you said 150k. ^^

Also thank you for buying, I'm currently in class and will go to work on them as soon as I get back! :)

EDIT: P.S. Fallyn, I understand you may have skipped over this part, but you also have to pick a place to search for each Seeker (forest, fields, or water) - this changes their tail. ;D


2:43am Oct 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 577
Oh, awesome, yah I meant the long horns xD For the male I'll do forest and for the female water ^.^ 


3:28am Oct 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 202
Thanks a lot Mirona! I love them, and no need to change the ears, I think they look adorable!!
Also I am very curius about the seekers Fallyn summoned :)


1:52pm Oct 26 2013 (last edited on 3:41pm Oct 26 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 114
For FallynDreamz:

You choose a single green gem and a single purple gem. The shop owner smiles and nods at you, placing both in your waiting hands. "Good choice," she says before nudging you out the large chestnut door at the back of the shop.

You step out and the girl slowly shuts the door behind you. You look at the gems, deciding which to look for first. You decide to use the green gem to look for a male in the forest first and then the purple gem to look in the water. At both sites, Seekers flock to you, but you pick out just the right ones before heading back to the shop.

As you step back into the shop, the girl pats your two Seekers on the head before smiling up at you. "They're gorgeous! Would you like to buy any potions for them?"

You look at your Seekers and then at the girl and nod. They'd look much better with a few added features! You tell her the potions you wish to purchase for each of them and she leads you through the creaky door in the back to the potion room. 

The first Seeker you change is your male Seeker. The bounces around, collecting the proper potions as well as the dragon bone you ordered. She sets them down in front of your Seeker who seems hesitant at first, but slowly downs each potion with a smile as he gains each new feature. At last he eats the dragon bone and the transformation is finally complete. He is now officially

Your First Seeker!

The girl gives you and your new Seeker a smile and gestures for the female to step up. She does so and, much like the first, she is a bit hesitant. However, as the potions are set in front of her, she seems to give a grin and drinks down each bottle and eats the enchanted feather. In a matter of minutes, this Seeker becomes

Your Second Seeker!

The girl giggles at the sight of your two beautiful Seekers. "They're even better now!" She exclaims and you look to see that your two new friends are smiling up at you, clearly feeling the same way at the girl.

Now it's time to take these two home. They appear to both be very happy to have you as an owner and are even happier with their brand new body features!

Hey Fallyn! Thanks for purchasing! I really hope that you like these two! As soon as they are paid for, they are yours to do what you'd like with! ^^ Also, as I told dphne, I can flip one around if you'd like. Just let me know which one! ^^

The first is 3.8mil and the second is 4mil. ^^ Just get it to me whenever you can!


1:58pm Oct 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 114
Also dphne, I'm so very happy that you like yours! ^^ Thanks so much, again, for buying them all! :')


2:00pm Oct 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,105
mirona your back storys to these adoptables are amazing =3


2:03pm Oct 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 114
Aw you're so great holly. *big virtual hug* Thank you so so much! I try to write them up to the best of my ability ^u^


2:05pm Oct 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,105
they are good =3 and they give the adoptables more or a meaning and back story and in turn gives them more life in them self.


3:43pm Oct 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 114
Wow .O. That means so much to me! I'm so happy that these little guys can have a personality! I'll try keeping these little stories up no matter how many or how few customers I get! ^^


3:45pm Oct 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,105
thats enlightening to hear =3 when i have the tu i will definatly buy one =3 but TOY has kinda sucked at the moment.


4:08pm Oct 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 202
I completely agree with holly. The backstories really set you apart from the other adoptable artist on the site. They give much more meaning and depth to the seekers. Keep the good work up!


3:57am Oct 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 577
Amazing! :D sending TU now ^.^ Thank you!


10:12am Oct 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 605
Oh, I'd so buy this if I could!

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

12:07pm Oct 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 114
Thank you thank you thank you to everyone! ^^ It really means a lot that you guys say that! 

I feel your pain with TOY, Holly. >-> And thanks to both Fallyn and dphne for buying your Seekers! ~


12:33pm Oct 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,105
i would like to get a chest please =3
do i pick the coloures and things it looks like and the gender or what?


1:38pm Oct 27 2013 (last edited on 1:40pm Oct 27 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 114
Holly: For the chest, you basically pick everything. Or, you could do what dphne did and just give a general idea for me to work with. You could even - and I have seen this on other adoptable - give me a reference sheet which I could try to work with. But really with the chest you tell me whatever you'd like! ^^


1:41pm Oct 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,105
ok can i have a rainbow coloured type but can it have coloures like teal and magenta and coloures like that added to the rainbow can also get some nice wings to go on it and can it be a female and look very feminine =3
also i would like it to have a nice kinda thing on its tail and i want it to have some nice jewelary
is that still 7 mill or is that abit more?
and do i send tu now or when its done?


2:30pm Oct 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 114
That would just be 7mil since it's completely customizable. I'll get started on it although I have to start studying for midterms, so it may take a bit longer than normal ^^ You can send the tu now or after it's done. Whichever you prefer.


2:51pm Oct 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,105
i will send u the tu after =3

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