✵ Treasure Seekers ✵

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4:52pm Oct 30 2013 (last edited on 4:52pm Oct 30 2013)

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Posts: 114
For hollyheart12:

You choose the customizable chest, tell the girl what you'd like your Seeker to be like, and watch as the shop owner scrambles to get the necessary gems and jewels. She hums a song as she works and you wait patiently at the counter. 

When she is finally finished, the girl hands you the chest with a large grin on her face. "This one's got a lot of personality. I can feel it."

You smile at the thought of your Seeker, but you are jolted out of your thoughts as the girl herds you out of the shop though the chestnut door. You step out into the open field and look around, deciding where to search for the perfect Seeker. As the door finally creaks shut behind, you finally decide that the forest seems like a good place to look and head in that direction. 

You stroll through the wooded area, looking around for the perfect Seeker. Several are attracted to the chest that you carry, but they all turn away once they realize that you are in search for a different Seeker. After hours of endless searching you become discouraged and think about turning back. Just as you decide -with a heavy heart- that you are going to go back to the shop, you step through a thick group of trees into a clearing. Amidst a swarm of male Seeker -who bolt at the sight of you- sits

Your Seeker!

This one is a very rare, special Seeker. Few rainbow Seekers have ever been seen and even fewer have been known to follow a human around. However, this one instantly takes a liking to you and decides to go with you, ready and willing to leave behind the annoying male Seekers. She is very feminine, girly, and she absolutely loves gems and jewelry of all kinds. Seekers like her are extremely rare, so be sure to take extra good care of her!

Thanks for buying holly! Sorry it too me so long to finish. Ya know, midterms and all. ^^


5:00pm Oct 30 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,105
WOW it looks AMAZING =O thank you so much
the story is also very amazing =D and im very glad to be the new owner of my very own rainbow seeker 
thank you so much and it was worth the wait.


5:01pm Oct 30 2013

Normal User

Posts: 202
Oooooh, it's pretty!!


10:37pm Oct 30 2013

Normal User

Posts: 114
Thank you so much! And I'm so glad you like it holly. They're very rare ;D


5:12pm Nov 4 2013

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Posts: 114


3:01pm Nov 6 2013

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Posts: 114


5:03pm Nov 6 2013

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Posts: 153
lets see ill take a chest  which is 7m umm elbow tuffs 200k feather wiskers 200k enchanted feather 500k and jewelry 100k
 all together 8m

i would like a female please her name Carolynn  im thinking of babies and angels

 that should be challenging  ^.^

Thank you OmennaApple for the beautiful Gondra!rnrnPocket Creatures, New Halloween Special>last pocket creature made>>

10:44pm Nov 6 2013

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Posts: 114
Aquari, I'm going to do this tomorrow (it's past midnight here), but I just wanted to ask if you have any specifics -the customizable chest is ANYTHING you want. I couldn't tell if the angels and babies comment was meant about your Seeker or not ^^ Super excited to start on it tomorrow!


8:45am Nov 7 2013

Normal User

Posts: 153
yes the comment was meant 4 seeker

Thank you OmennaApple for the beautiful Gondra!rnrnPocket Creatures, New Halloween Special>last pocket creature made>>

10:44pm Nov 7 2013 (last edited on 10:48pm Nov 7 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 114
For Aquari:

You chose the customizable chest, giving the girl a brief deion of the Seeker you're thinking of. The girl seems to think for a moment and then jumps as if she's just thought of something brilliant. In a flurry of movement, the girl scrambles around the shop and within moments, she's back in front of you with a filled chest.

The girl then places a hand on your back and all but pushes you to the back of the shop. The chestnut door creaks as the girl pulls it open for you and mutters to herself, "Gotta remember to oil this thing." You stand in the door way, looking out at the fields of tall grass. The shop owner stares at you with a curious ex
pression as if she is wondering what is taking you so long. Growing impatient, she nudges you out the rest of the way and the door is slowly shut behind you. 

Snapping out of your daze, you look around, wondering whether you should search in the fields, forest, or water. You're quite unsure about where to search, so you chose the forest. As you walk through the fields on your way to the forest, something tugs at your mind and heart, telling you that something is wrong. Maybe the forest isn't the right way to go? You continue headed for the trees, thinking on the matter; however, you are so caught up in your thoughts that you do not realize the creature in front of you until you have stumbled and fallen directly over

Your Seeker!

This female is quite small for an adult Seeker which is why you did not see her. She is a shy, kind-hearted girl with bright blue puppy-dog eyes that melt your heart. With her pastel coloring and soft wings, she reminds you of the cherubs that are always in paintings. 

You apologize to the Seeker, not looking up, but when you finally do, you see that she is staring directly at you! It takes a bit of persuading for her to warm up to you, but after about half an hour of goofing around and rubbing her tummy, you both know that you are perfect for each other. As you sit in the field, you try to think of the perfect name for her. After all, a Seeker this beautiful has to have a great name. You are only thinking out loud when you blurt out, "Carolynn". Your new Seeker stops her romping in the field and looks up at you with an expectant look on her face. Slightly confused by your Seekers ex
pression, you say it again, "Carolynn?" The Seeker seems to let out an enthusiastic giggle and her eyes brighten as she hears the name again. You smile down at her too and nod. "Alright, Carolynn it is then." 

Thanks for purchasing, Aquari! I really hope you like here! I can always always ALWAYS add something special if you'd like. Because you bought a customizable, you can change it however you'd like! Thanks again so much and have fun with your new Seeker!


7:37pm Nov 8 2013

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Posts: 114


4:48pm Nov 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 153
Awsome i love her thanks

Thank you OmennaApple for the beautiful Gondra!rnrnPocket Creatures, New Halloween Special>last pocket creature made>>

7:25pm Nov 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 114
No problem! Thank you so much for buying! ^^


12:09pm Nov 10 2013

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Posts: 114


12:16pm Nov 10 2013

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Posts: 17
Hey I was just wondering if you could make one that is black and red and has blades that look like scythes on its tail and ankles. I have allways wanted to see what that would look like. just want to see if you can draw it not interested in buying anything, so don't go to any trouble doing it if you dont want to.

12:21pm Nov 10 2013 (last edited on 12:21pm Nov 10 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 114
Hey Bladed! I'm sure I could whip something up, but I don't really feel comfortable posting it unless it's definitely going to be paid for. : I'm really sorry about that. But if you'd like to buy a customizable with those specifics, just shoot me an rmail and I'd be happy to do it! Also, you wouldn't have to pay until I've finished it! ^-^


4:37pm Nov 13 2013

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Posts: 114


2:47pm Nov 17 2013

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Posts: 114


2:30pm Nov 25 2013

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Posts: 114


9:31am Dec 8 2013

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Posts: 114

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