Here is a fair warning. I do not have any good ways of showing hand drawn art here. If you get hadn drawn art, do not be surprised if it happens to be poorly lit or something. I have no scanner.
Now. I make art and animations on paint. Things are simple here. The price variews from how long it took me to make the art/animation and the difficulty. I will give you a simple rubrik to fill out so that i know what to do. I must tell you that I am forgetful. Do not yell at me if I forget to come here and work on your commissions. Shuld I leave this alone for a wekk with no message about it, then give me and rmail with the link to this to reminds me to get working.
Words:Not to many please. Need room for the art.
Style: Digital or Hand drawn?
What to draw:Put a picture here or a deion of what you want me to draw.
other:Put anything here that there isn't a section for.
What character you want:
what should they do:
*Limited offer* Sprites
what you want there:
I must tell you something. I am pretty young still and I havn't perfected my art and animation. There are certain things I am unable to do. A few of these are horses, wolves, and things related to them. If I find anything else I can't draw decently, I will put it up in this here list.
No draw list
Hybrid wolves

animation:Don't have a lot of examples tochoose from. Here's a neat running cycle though.