Oh man oh man reserving a colored full body right now and I'll edit with the info in a sec.
I'm actually gonna order two colored full bodies and I'll pay you like 1mil for each because these are worth way more but I can't afford that right now. o_o
The first one I have a ref for and his name is Hajime.
This is a picture that randomly looks a lot like him, probably the best ref of his facial structure and such but don't worry about the manliness, just do what you can. He would be the blonde.
Here is his pet page, I think you can glean everything you need from there. There's an art box, but the most recent art I have is this sketch of him and his buddy on a bus. Also might help you get a good idea of his personality.
I would like him sitting crosslegged if you can, if not then crouching or even standing is fine. He usually wears dark jeans, plain shirts in dark colors (usually warm tones or black), and he has a brown leather jacket he likes a lot.
The second one I don't have a ref for, but his name is ...
Well he doesn't have a name yet but his process name is Leji. I'm still working on designing his character, so pretty much if you can think of any way to make him more interesting or just anything you want to do at all, that's fine. Just, y'know. Keep it reasonably normal please. o_o
So what I have on his character so far is this. He's got brown hair (probably) and he's thin, maybe like 19-23 years old, kind of a softspoken guy, and he's a barista.
Other than that, have a blast. 8D Also, draw him in an apron please like he's at work.
If this isn't the kind of thing you signed on to do, let me know because you totally don't have to. :| I just like entrusting random strangers to make important decisions for me. It's fun. orz
ALSO maybe you can tell me what the big deal is with Homestuck? o_o Everyone seems to be into it but if it's all about that little game thing, I'm not seeing the hype. Of course I only played to like, the mailbox part.