There's a catch though. To qualify for the prize, you must draw three of my creatu (Relcore, Genie, and June) seperately, but their pictures should match. Yes, ALL three of them. You can't only draw one.
So, here are the pets I would like drawn:
Relcore - Adult Albino Zenirix
Genie - Adult Black Omni
June - Adult Gold and Silver Kioka
Do I have a certain preference in drawing? Not really. Although I have to say I was never too fond of anthro.
You must draw all THREE of them, not just one. (As I've clearly stated above o_o)
Please put some kind of background behind your drawing. Solid colors are good but if you want to go crazy making a nice background, go for it. Anything but white. If you want to do something like a Rescreatu planet, okay, do it.
You must not be negative towards other people's drawings or yours.
Don't "brown nose" me. It'll do more harm to you then good.
Don't spaz if you don't win. If you entered, I appreciate it and won't think you're a bad artist unless it took your about 1 minute to draw each of your pictures. If that is the case, don't expect to win anyway unless you're suuuper amazing.
You don't have to post daily to let me know how you're doing. o__o Maybe once every few days.
Uh... You're drawing FOR me, right? So if I use your drawing after the contest don't get all "OMG THIEF." If you're that crazy about it, make sure to put your name on the drawing so no one else steals it.
Any questions? Post or Rmail it. I'll answer it as best as I can.
When you post your art don't say something like "Here it is. It's ugly, but oh well." -_-
Draw. Don't steal.
1st-5,000,000 tu + Unnamed Kioka + Ebilia Creatu Egg
2nd-1,000,000 + Mystery Item
All entrants who I can tell put effort in their drawing-50k + Mystery Item
August 1st, 2009
Rmail for a deadline extent.
Why do I want you to draw matching pictures of all three of my creatu? Well if you go to my profile, you'll see an image - "My Loves." I hope that I'll find a set of drawings that I fall in absolute love with. Those will replace the "Drawing Here" areas of that image. Then, of course, I'll jazz up the "My Loves" image a bit more.
(I've actually temporarily taken these down from my profile...)
If you entered in my last contest, feel free to use the drawing you entered and draw two more to match it.
If I forgot to put something important on here, which I tend to do, please post or Rmail it.
Q: By matching could it be like same/simliar background or what?
A: No, the backgrounds can be as different as you like.
Q: Do they all have to be in the same picture?
A: No, I'd prefer them seperate.
Q: Is there a specific size you want them in; like to fit in your "Drawing Here" thing?
A: No, I'll be able to make it fit.