Art Contest! Draw my fursona?

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6:39pm Feb 12 2011 (last edited on 6:38pm Feb 13 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 177

Hello. You clicked because you were interested in doing some art for me?Good. I could do it myself, but unfortunately, my little dragon friend doesn't like it when I draw her on my tablet, and I don't have access to a scanner. I've got a rough sketch to give you some ideas about what she looks like. You can see that sketch here:

(You can also find a quick drawing of Dreamweaver on my profile.)

Now,I know what your first question is going to be. What do you, the artist, get out of this? Well lets find out!

1st place:5 mil tu.

2nd place:2.5 mil tu.

3rd place:1.25 mil tu.

Runner ups, or others that I really liked will get their pick of the pets from my graveyard. If I have enough tu left over, all who enter will get 500k at the end of the contest.

See next post for full deions of what I'm looking for.Below are the entries so far:




6:54pm Feb 12 2011 (last edited on 7:01pm Feb 12 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 177

I'm looking for 1 of two things: You can either draw my dragon Dreamweaver, or you can take a crack at my fursona, which is a cross between a cat and my dragon.

Dreamweaver: See the link my first post for sketches. She's sort of a metallic blue, and the orbs on her frills are a rainbow of colors; Kind of pearly, or like an opal, and they go all the way down from head to tail. Her eyes are the same as the orbs. Claws can be whatever color; black, white, or they can blend in with the rest of her body. Feet have 4-5 toes, and she's only got back legs. On the wings, you'll see that she has TWO claws, instead of one like most dragons. Think index finger and thumb like. Now, my sketch has a sort of vine like marking, starting from the eye and ends at the tail. This is optional, and you may redesign or work with it however you want.

Fursona: I'm not happy with my old one, so I came up with a new one. Another dragon cat, but this time, the dragon it's based on is dreamweaver.  On this one, I'd like the body to be black, and it has to be the body and head of a cat. Tail can either be cat, or dragon. I want the frills too, and I'd like those to be black with the orbs the same as dreamweaver. Add black wings, and orbs on the wings would be a nice touch.(you know, at the ends of the wing where you can see the 'finger' leaving a little point) I'm not too specific on the double fingers at the top of the wings on this one.One or two works. So far as the face, a stripe across the bridge of the nose (and color, so long as it looks cool) would be nice. Eyes can be any color. If you want, the underbelly can be a different color. I'm open to options.Also, that vine like marking on my dragon up there? It would look cool if something like that could be done. Have fun with it. If you can't get a pearly color for somehting like that, silver looks great too.:3

Need more?Just ask.XD I tried to be specific on that. Traditonal or Digital art is fine, though I prefer digital. Any art that I like will be used on my profile, and or my showroom and rancher. :3

Another thing to note: I like the colors black, silver, and rainbow. Keep that in mine.If you can't get a rainbow sort of 'pearly' or opal color, then doing them all different colors works too.XD And line art is fine too, if it looks good.:3 Poses are up to you.


7:26pm Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 66
ill try it :) just give me a couple hours Need art??? Rmail me!!!! :)

7:32pm Feb 12 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135

I'll try drawing Dream. :D Looks fun~


7:37pm Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 177
Thats fine.^^ Take all the time you need.:D Contest ends when I get enough entries, and when I get some that I like.^^ So it might be a day, or it might be a week. You guys


8:20pm Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 211
I'll try. o3o

8:25pm Feb 12 2011 (last edited on 8:25pm Feb 12 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 331
il try the fursona :D

Sheeran away

8:26pm Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 177
Alright.:3 Good luck guys.^^ I can't wait to see them.


11:53pm Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 177


Oh, and feel free to enter as many times as you want.^^


10:04am Feb 13 2011 (last edited on 7:44pm Feb 13 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 487

This might be fun, I'll go for the dragon :3 

Here it is:



The link: 


6:21pm Feb 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 176




10:59pm Feb 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 177
bump.Waiting on others to finish.XD And there's room for more people to join.:3 If they want.


7:42am Feb 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 177


8:36am Feb 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,052
I has a fursona, it't a giant white whale.

Adopt one today!

10:14pm Feb 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 177


Thats cool.:3 I think I'll wrap this up when I get one more entry.XP I think the others forgot.XD 


10:28pm Feb 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 177


10:59pm Feb 18 2011

Normal User

Posts: 177

Eh, tired of dragging this out.Since I haven't heard from anyone else, I'll go ahead and send the tu and post the winner.XD If someone else sends me art, I'll find some form of payment for them.:3

Both entries were amazing. So first prize goes to both. But who really won? Charmens, only because hers was cute, and even though it was just a head shot, it matched my vision of what she should look like. Eh, mostly.XD That would be a baby version.But it was cute! 

Karmazyna's was super amazing though. Body and wings and everything were right.Face just didn't look Dreamweaver to me, but thats ok.^^ I loved both of them. So yeah, congrats you two.:3 Sending your 5 mil here in just a second. I'll be using both on my profile somewhere.:3  So awsome.^^ It was hard to choose a winner.XP 

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