Art Pricing Help/Interest Check?

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11:47pm Dec 29 2016 (last edited on 11:56pm Dec 29 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 570
Hey everyone! It's been a loooong time since I've been active here on Res (probably like 4 years or something, wow...) so I'm not 100% sure if this is the right place to post this ^^'
But I haven't been able to find any other more suitable place to make this kind of thread and I haven't seen any other threads of this type to use as reference, so please let me know if this is in the wrong place!

Anywhoo. Since it's been so long since the last time I played Res, I have no idea what the art prices are like anymore. Back in the day I could fetch several million tu for my art, and in the many years it's been since then I'm really interested to know how much my more polished and improved art could go for now~
I have a growing obsession with Jahras and before I left Res I had started a Shaefu collection, so I'll be looking so sell art commissions soon to help raise funds to continue both of those projects. I'm also saving up to buy a forged birth certificate so I can shed my old screen name that I made when I was 13 and update it to my new one xP
 But before I can do that, I need to know roughly how much my art can sell for!

Here are a few examples of my art, as well as a few guidelines about what kind of art I will and will not draw.

(WIP just to show off my linearts)

(((My coding still doesn't seem to be working properly, if someone could also give me a hand figuring out how to get images and links to work properly I would greatly appreciate it!)))

At the time of opening up shop I'll be doing linearts, flats and full coloured paintings. I will be wary of large pieces with backgrounds since they're a bit of a weakness of mine, but for the right price I may take on less detailed backgrounds.

As for content, I will draw pretty much anything so long as it complies with Res' rules. That means I'll be drawing Creatu, OCs both human and animal, Pokemon and pretty much anything else you can think of. Anthros/furries are fine too, but if you want anthro art that isn't suitable for Res' guidelines then you'll have to speak with me offsite about it, haha.

Well, I've provided about as much information as I can, lol. Hopefully it's enough to get me some solid estimates~

Thank you so much for taking a look!


1:01am Dec 30 2016

Normal User

Posts: 910
WHALE, about 50 million tu is 10 USD, so it depends how much time you spend on your stuff.  I'd say at LEAST 50 mil, but then I know a lot of people would want to pay less as it's hard for them to afford that much.  It might help having different tiers such as coloured sketches for less then a fully polished piece.

Your stuff is really lovely and I'm sure there would be a lot of interest<3


1:17am Dec 30 2016

Normal User

Posts: 570
Thank you for your estimate! I received an Rmail from someone earlier who told me I could charge 50mil for a fully painted piece as well, so I might go with something along those lines? If 50mil is equivalent to $10 USD then I feel like my work would be severely overpriced if I charged based on monetary value, since my fully painted pieces usually go for at least $30 USD if not upwards of $50 (with a background). I think 50 million tu is probably a good base price for my most detailed work, unless a lot of people tell me otherwise.

As for the tiers, that was always the plan! I mentioned near the end of my post that I would be offering linearts, flats and painted pieces, so people have a choice of which type of art they would like ^^


7:57am Dec 30 2016

Normal User

Posts: 426
Hello there zephyr, I have interest in purchasing your work if you do decide to sell some. I would prefer to pay you in CP if possible ^_^ thank you

✿by Lake

✿by Sage

5:02pm Dec 30 2016

Normal User

Posts: 570
Ahh, thank you so much for your interest! CP is something that's relatively new to me, when I last played Res we had credits instead so I'm not really sure how much CP is worth compared to tu. 

I would definitely love to be able to sell for both currencies though! But I need to do a bit more research on the current values of tu and CP before I can decide how much each piece would be worth ^^


11:18am Dec 31 2016 (last edited on 11:19am Dec 31 2016)


Posts: 2,161
Holy crap, your art is incredible! *o* 

I'd say the same as Sagi, at least 50 mil or 100 cp. owo Same goes for me like Thestral too, I'd love to buy a commission if you open up shop ;o;

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