Blah Traditional Art :P

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8:55pm Jun 21 2011 (last edited on 9:07pm Jun 21 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 921

Hello. I have taken the opportunity to attempt to do some commisions. I honestly suck at Digital art, and I can say I'm not as hot as others at Traditional. But, maybe you'll end up liking it. After all, everyone is their worst critic. ^^






So basically, I'm best at Fursonas and I do those the most. I can do Personas and I can do animals and such, maybe even pokemon or creatu or whatever you want, but Fursonas are my specialty.

If you do happen to be interested, and you are wondering about the PAY, I'm actually pretty cheap. You get what you pay for... So, I would say my art is worth at least 20k to 30k, but tips are appreciated.

 Lineart would be 20k, Colored Fursonas or animals would be 25k, and Personas or people would be 30k. Just because I suck at drawing humans.

So, I doubt these will even be wanted since there are amazing grapic artists out there, but even if you're taking the time to look at this, thank you. :D


11:43pm Jun 21 2011

Normal User

Posts: 969
Ooh, fancy. :D I'd like one!
Could I get a colored traditional fursona? She looks like the dog on my profile (she's a corgi), only less derp-y. The colors are about as they are on that corgi, and the collar is spring green-ish with white studs. Could you draw her maybe sitting with something like this between her paws?
and yes i know it's a neopets image o_o
Only make it look like it's a plushie, and take away the collar?
I'd pay around 100k for a job well done. c:


12:46am Jun 22 2011 (last edited on 12:50am Jun 22 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,071
Cat (black body, white belly), wings (white with pink accents), and an elephant trunk. Examples hurr: Click on SweetNigtmares in my signature (copy+paste) Colored please :3


12:50am Jun 22 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Dodo likes. <3

Need my raptor fursona drawn. No pic, just a deion.

Species- Generic raptor. (Dino)
Gender- Female
Height - 3' 09"
Weight - 57.2 lbs.

Body- Sleek, thin. Brown feathers, underbelly is purple scales. On hip/shoulders are muddy red stripes that barely show.

Head- Gold eyes, whites a blood red. Slitted pupil. Tounge is bright yellow, gums bright purple. Black teeth, very sharp. Canines extend to just below top lip when mouth is closed. Long, pointed, feathery ears amid a forest of darker brown feathers. Like Sandslash, or Skirmishers on Halo. Eyes rimmed in dark brown scales. Not a thick rim.

Forelegs- Three claws, middle is longest. Sharp crimson claws. Wrist to fingertip - purple scales.

Hindlegs- Strong, thick. Three toes, all on ground (unlike velociraptor.) Back of ankle, wrap around to toes-purple scales. Black claws.

Tail- Long, tapering, whiplike. Ends in two large red feathers.

Access.- Blue/purple striped silk scarf. Blue ipod nano.

Ipod optional



12:54am Jun 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 921
Yes to you all. Please give me at least a day for each. It shouldn't take long since I have nothing else to do anyway. Thank you! ^^


3:16pm Jun 22 2011 (last edited on 3:17pm Jun 22 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 921
Okay. All are drawn and colored except for Dodo's. I'll be scanning them all at the same time, since it takes a bit of time. :P They'll most likely all be finished, scanned, and posted as of today. ^.6


5:34pm Jun 22 2011 (last edited on 5:35pm Jun 22 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 921


6:54pm Jun 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,071
it's beautiful, thanks <3


6:55pm Jun 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 921
Sorry that the pink wasn't very visible. My scanner is stupid.

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