Yeah. Lots and lots of art.
Mostly of my creatus. They all just look like the creatu they are on, if there is no ref for them.
Fatass - Trance Narwi . Make it normal-sized or as fat as you please. :> any stage, but must have the horn.
Badass - black adult male rodi
Rat - Albino chimby. Adult stage preferred.
Sperm - albino wyrae. baby stage best. adult/teen is fine.
Ramboreo - black male iluvu. preferably drawn in the old style - more dog/fox than cat/fox.
Spade - Albino Rodi. Male. Any stage. Black stripe down the back. black head. black eyes.
Oil- Black male rodi. any stage. White belly slitchy around the edges, rest all black. pink tail. black eyes
Nile - FEMALE chimby. natural (see ref for color ref). mature. adult stage is a must! best drawn with eggs rotten, fresh, or cracked.
Nile+ Rat together. Rat is completely white. no color or patterns. Eyes are red. They should be seen together in a loving way, nursing two eggs, sleeping, etc.
Badass& Fatass together. Badass riding on top of Fatass, or Fatass squishing Badass. ;D
Spade & Oil - Brothers. Sleeping together, fighting over food, or eating out of a bowl together.
I'll pay extra for these. :> lemmie know what you can do!
250m +
Current pet pool:
All unnamed. I supply the potion. :>
May also offer names from my showroom. Just be aware you'd have to do a lot of quality art for most of those names.
Current item pool:
Please show me examples, and give me a price to work with. :>
As of TODAY, I am NO LONGER OFFERING! Please CLEARLY state your price, or I am not interested!