This is not a contest
This is not a contest
Also, This is not a contest.
This is a commission thread, where I will order from many artists (however many click upon this)
Before you just pick one and draw, I would appreciate an... Application of sorts. I cannot be spending tu willy nilly.
Please post, Which one you're going to do, how much you charge, and EXAMPLES.
If you do it for free I luv u 5ever
If you have prices, please include them +_+ And if you dare to tell me to pay what I want, I WILL give you 1tu.
(At least give me a range okay?)
I can also do art trades
Option 1:
I want a Humanoid Achro noctis.
I would like him to be standing, in a flexing pose, I would like him to be muscled and very very FIERCE, preferably hissing or showing his massive fangs.
This is humanoid:
Because they're people who don't know ._____.
Option 2:
Draw the achro noctis as a noctis. Preferably adult, again fierce
Option 3:
Draw me as an albino noctis, with a black noctis somewhere in the drawing
(By draw me as a noctis, I mean totally human except with maybe snake pupils, a few noctis attributes such as the cowl, the fangs and such)
I look like:
(Since im albino I would like my hair to be white and the stripe of blonde to be a vibrant red)
[url=] Calling all artists!