Ah ha ha. Thank you!
Good thing I'm not dumping all my 50+ OCs. One reason being that I don't have references for most of them. haha.
Here's the list:
Draco [you drew this bugger for me before >u>;]
Pronta [This is the best thing I have for a reference. :c Not my art. huhu. She's a man hater.]
Antego [Woah. Old gross art. Beware. He has quite a big ego.]
Renasain [She's kind of messed up in the head.]
Samsara [Emotionless turdface]
Polaris [He. Not she. His gender gets mixed up a lot. xD]
Palenthes [cool broman. May be drawn with or withoug wings. They poof at will.]
Fleitzen [He likes shiny things.]
I think that'll be enough for now. ouo; Thanks for looking!
I might edit this later in case I find a reference here or there. >3>