Cephei's Quest for Art
Hi everyone :3 I recently changed my appearence on a game I play called Mabinogi (which is super fun, by the way) and I will be spending up to 20 million TU - more if I can't seem to get enough of all you talented artists - buying art for my new character. Hopefully I'll have something for everyone.
This is a close up shot of Faulkner, my character. This is the only close up of him I could find and unfortunately, he looks a bit boring here.

And here are screenshots of him looking pretty.
Please drag all references to your address bar for the full size.

This is his standard outfit - a dark grey dress shirt, lime green belts, white slacks, and black buckle boots. It's kinda hard to see, but he's wearing lilac-coloured earrings - three on each ear.

This is Faulkner in his black muffler robe. I included his equipped items just incase.

This is his loyal companion, Weisse. He's a Greyhound :3

Weisse and Faulkner fully decked out in Holy Knight armor. I will pay significantly more for this to be drawn. Feel free the change the fur trim to a colour of your choice.

Faulkner as a demigod. I don't mind if he's drawn in his regular outfit with wings, though.

Him as an Incubus.