Christmas Creatu! :D

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5:12pm Dec 22 2011 (last edited on 9:02am Jan 10 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 244
Hybrid Creature drawings!! 
I Do charge, please wait until the drawing is finished before sending payment c: 
If you are interested Please fill out this form.
Creature Deion:
Creature Color:
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Picture Examples:
When You'd Like This Done:
How Much You Are Willing To Pay:
There are a few items on the form that you may skip.
My Fursona
Dragonzi's Creature
Can't remember who's this is XD

Remember♥ FearaLovesYou!!!

5:13pm Dec 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 536
Christmas adult Wyrae 0.0

5:14pm Dec 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 244
I'll get right on it! :D

Remember♥ FearaLovesYou!!!

5:36pm Dec 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 244
Christmas Wyrae

Remember♥ FearaLovesYou!!!

8:37am Jan 15 2012 (last edited on 8:38am Jan 15 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,015
Username: Cascadianlove

Creature Deion:

va:nicImTemp();">A long dragon spirit thing. You know, aura like~ It has no legs, and its head is an animal skull. Its body is made up of manymany wispy musical notes joined together. 8D

He also has a white mane along his back until his tail like. This can
be just white mist sorta. O_O Make it all wispy and ghostish.

His name is Ketsuoto, meaning Sound of Blood. |D

Creature Color:

Red. Bright red. This red. O_O

Any Words You'd Like Added:

None, thanks. xDD

Picture Examples:


its head. or, skull rather.


He shall look something like that. 8D Without the chicken feet and ridiculous whiskers. Yes, and the beautiful mane is a must-have. 8D teehee~


And this is the texture of its body. 8D

When You'd Like This Done:

I won't be on for the next five days so, if you could do it in five days, it'd be great. 8D

((Is this, by any chance, a gauge of how long you can procrastinate for? xDD))

How Much You Are Willing To Pay:

O_O uh. 3 mil? :D I realise that this is Christmas creatu. 8c will you still draw? xD i misread your post in the sb.

12:29pm Jan 15 2012

Normal User

Posts: 244
I can do this >:3 & it is NOT  chrismas creatu anymore XD

Remember♥ FearaLovesYou!!!

7:57am Jan 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,015
omg. 8D yay~ rmail me when you're done, or if you're already done. xD
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