6:23pm Apr 12 2012 (last edited on 6:03pm Apr 14 2012)
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Since, I'm trying to limit my time on this site, I've decided I might as well keep myself busy buy doing art commissions. No examples currently, but I will have some up after I get a few orders. Prices [Prices may vary, but I'll decide that. :D] Sketch/Lines~100k Flat Colour~350-600k Cell Shading~700k-? *Any extra shading [cell or regular] is usually an extra 100-150k depending on complexity. But sometimes it's just one price. *Max of 3 characters 100k for each extra. Form User: Request: Shading, flat, etc. References: [must have atleast one picture. i will refuse to do your order if you don't have one.] Other: Slots [Only 3. You may not reserve a slot, but you can bribe me for a slot if you need to. :D] [Ignore the little x's. Those are just refs for me.] 1. Ferniio? 2. 3. [When yours is done, you must send the tu first. I'll usually rmail it, because I don't like art theft. Sometimes I'll post it on here.] Thank-You!
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8:14pm Apr 12 2012
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Can you draw antho/furries? If not that's fine i have another idea in mind :3
8:27pm Apr 12 2012 (last edited on 8:28pm Apr 12 2012)
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User: Sheta :D Request: Cell shading |D References: OH LET'S SEE. Uhm. I'll have you draw... Rosebud :o [tle="" href="http://i515.photobucket.com/albums/t354/wolf_demon_11/Made%20for%20Me/Sheta4b.png">link] [tle="" href="http://i515.photobucket.com/albums/t354/wolf_demon_11/sheta_by_freak_z-d4vwisv.png">link] Other: Let's have her... hurr P: Sitting with her legs crossed look at the rose in her hands :o? [As an Anthro, of course x3] Some kind of look of wonder or deep thought xD?
Any questions, rmail me :D
6:12pm Apr 13 2012
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Ferniio: I can draw anthros and furries, but I haven't had much experience with them, so my skills might be a bit rusty. x3 Sheta: Would [anthro] Rosebud look like the second example? c:
Ohgosh. I put Cell-Shading cheaper than the flat colour. o_o Editing that right now, but Sheta you pay what the old price was. <3
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9:04pm Apr 13 2012
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I'll pay what the new price is, I knew that there was some error, so I was gunna pay more, anyway x3 And yes, I just put the Ebilia in there in case you needed more of a reference ;D
9:34pm Apr 13 2012
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Oh okay. :3 I just finished planning it out traditionally, and tomorrow I'm going to open my art program and start it. <3 And I feel honored that a rescreatu staff member is ordering some of my art. x3
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11:00am Apr 14 2012
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Just finished the lines. :D Now I just have to colour and shade.
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11:03am Apr 14 2012
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11:38am Apr 14 2012
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Yours is done. :3 Just send the tu and I'll rmail you your commish.
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6:03pm Apr 14 2012
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11:41pm Apr 14 2012
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Hrmm, what sort of stuff can you draw really well? o: Like, wolves, humans, kitties, etc.? I'm interested o-o
10:55am Apr 15 2012
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I can draw wolves really well. :D Not so much cats, because I haven't studied their anatomy that much. x3 But I think I could do fairly well on both, considering I just did a commish on a feline anthro.
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4:56pm Apr 16 2012
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7:37am Apr 17 2012
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LKJSLDJFLKSDJF SORRY I forgot about this thread ono Could you draw her? :3 http://i40.tinypic.com/34tcxvq.jpg Flat color plz o-o Transparent background
4:50pm Apr 17 2012
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Dood. 8D That wolf looks awesome. I'll get on it right away.~
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11:08pm Apr 20 2012
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User: BOBISBOB Request: Shading, flat, etc. Cell References: [must have atleast one picture. i will refuse to do your order if you don't have one.] bob.jpg Here is. Draw them, only make the girls hair black. And give the boy raccoon ears and tail, and the girl pink fox ears and tail. Other: Tank yew. :D |