Commissions are Open =D

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2:28am Mar 5 2012 (last edited on 11:00am Mar 5 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 45
I'm still fairly new to the site and would like to try my hand at drawing for people since well, thats all I'm decent at. My examples are not of Rescreatu art (Since I haven't done any commissions yet XD) but I'll post a few that will show my style for you so you can decide if it's something you are interested in or not. I don't really have examples of people (Except the chibi WonderWoman) but they are along the same cartoony lines.

Prices start at 100k and go up depending on size, color and amount of characters. All prices negotiable ^^. 
Please include details and if you have it, a reference picture =) 
WARNING: I'm not great with computers so all my art is colored with marker and colored pencil then scanned. 
And I'm sorry for the large sizes.


7:21am Mar 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 128
To add an image to your post, click the little button in the top right of the box you type in where there appears to be a pencil and a picture


8:25am Mar 5 2012 (last edited on 9:34am Mar 5 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 45
Ah, Thank you. It was showing up last night but isn't now. I'll have to fix it when I'm back home. I shall do that as soon as I can. Thanks! ^^

EDIT: Fixed! =)


10:54am Mar 5 2012


Posts: 585
I would like to request some art =)

Mind putting up some prices hun? Maybe something about what you wan't us to include (e.g. Details or a Ref image)


10:58am Mar 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 45
Prices start at 100k and go up depending on how many characters in the picture and how colorful, so in other words negotiable =)
And yes details and references are always helpful ^^ (I'll add this to the top post too)


11:05am Mar 5 2012


Posts: 585
Okay then =)

May I please have my Black Liyure
Ref - (
Laying down with Pikachu and Luxray both pulling at the Liyures like, feather things please?


11:10am Mar 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 45
Sure =) Since it's 3 characters it's going to be a bit more, Would 250k be ok for you?


11:19am Mar 5 2012


Posts: 585
If you could add a umbreon on a charizard in the background I could offer much more ^^
If no, then it is fine =D


11:21am Mar 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 577
Fallyn and Jack

 has golden brown hair, green eyes, light grey cat ears and fluffy tail,
 either wears her silver armor or dresses that look like the ones in the
 movie Ever After, and always wears a pink pendant around her neck. If
drawn with her wings, her wing are very pale pink (almost white) with a
brown bone along the top, they aren't necessary since they are able to
be summoned and dismissed and are usually only used in battle. Jack is
the son of a farmer and wears more simple attire, like pictured above
(cloak is prefered but not necessary). He has untamed brown hair and
light brown ears and tail and brownish green eyes (hazel I suppose). He
has a very warm and caring look about him and is very gentle, while
Fallyn can be headstrong and fierce.

py and Patches

*They can either be done in human or animal form! Each form can be with or without wings!*
 is a long haired black and white cat and can be with one black wing and
 one white. As a human he should be a tall, black haired, yellowed eyed
bad ass with one white cat ear and one black cat ear and a very fluffy
black tail. Patches is smart, loyal, doesn't take crap from anyone, and
known as "king of court" (cats of our court anyway xD). Lollopy is a
brown and grey bunny and can have cheerful yellow wings. In her human
form she should look sweet and innocent, have warm brown hair and sweet
brown eyes. Her bunny ears should be grey. She can be holding a lollipop
 since that was her nickname. Lollopy has the sweetest heart I have ever
 seen. She absolutely loves everything and always wants to make new
friends. Shes sweet and innocent, patient, and very loving and open
hearted. When these two are together patches is normally grumpy because
Lollopy loves to cheerfully follow him about while he just wants to be
alone. Occasionally when hes had enough he gives her a "bop" on the head
 with his paw, but it never stops her! She would follow Patches anywhere
 no matter what xD
Deep down
 Patches has a soft spot for her though, since he never, ever tries to
hurt her, he's just too manly to admit he loves a bunny rabbit.

Me and My BF

 5'3", have an obsession with hair dye, have eyes that change color
between green and gold. I love role playing game, costumes, and fantasy.
 I'm a dreamer and a creator of my own world. I'm majoring in art. I'm
shy and love animals. Go ahead and be creative with my outfit and feel
free to add cat ears and/or wings. My bf is a head taller than me and
loves games like I do! He always wears long khaki shorts and a tee-shirt
 in grey, olive green, or black. His eyes are greyish green and he's
muscular with broad shoulders. His hair is very dark brown.

Dreamz and Orkos

 is a mousy ferret kitteh with wings just like Fallyns. She has long
ears. She's a golden brown with light pink markings and light grey/tan
accents (like the end of the tail/paws/chest/belly). Her eyes are green.
 She's shy, adventurous, kind, and a dreamer of course. Orkos is a
parrot wolf. Hes dark grey and can have parrot colored markings. He has
parrot wings. He talks a lot but is a very loyal friend. Orkos design is
 not set in stone so feel free to be creative with it!

I need art of all these couples done xD if its too much just pick whichever you want. I'll pay into the millions :P


11:21am Mar 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 45
I could do that ^^ How much?


11:23am Mar 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 45
Fallyn, I do believe I can do those ^^ RMail me on prices, I'll need some time to do them though since it's a lot ^^


11:26am Mar 5 2012


Posts: 585
If I could request another Art I can like offer around 1mill for both?
If not then how does 500-600k sound? =D


11:29am Mar 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 45
You can request two Dragonzi ^^ and that would be fine 


11:35am Mar 5 2012 (last edited on 11:36am Mar 5 2012)


Posts: 585
Yay =)
Could I have a pic of a Clockwork/Steampunk dragon please?
Ref of steampunk - (
(Google has TONs of Clockwork/steam punk stuff o__o)
Ref of Clockwork - (
(I don't really have any refs that I own of Cloggeh my character so I hope these examples gives you a idea =D)
I do not own those drawings, credit goes to the drawers ^^


11:43am Mar 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 45
I think I could manage ^^ any specific colors you want? Since steampunk usually deals with copper, silver, gold and brown colors, want any tha are specific outside the norm?


11:45am Mar 5 2012 (last edited on 11:47am Mar 5 2012)


Posts: 585
Just normal Please =)
Cloggeh is a Steampunk/Clockwork Dragon that was created to guard the shop keeper's shop while he goes out to collect clogs,old watches and scrap metal.
I write the story when I have no internet on my iPod as the 'Notes' App needs no WiFi xD


12:07pm Mar 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 45
Alrighty ^^ Can do!


12:37pm Mar 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,825
You're a really great artist. ^.^ I'd like to order some art. :)

I'd like t of Tsunade's and my characters. <3 Their a couple.

Benny is an albino Uilus.

And Angel is an albino Iluvu though I have added modifications to him.

Angel is supposed to be an Iluvu yes. Though he has crystal blue eyes as seen, little butterflies going down his right leg. He has purple highlights in his tail and the little tuff of hair on his head. He has a butterfly tattoo like the second ref pic. On his hind end not on his tail like the first ref. The wings on his back are exactly like the first ref. pic though I understand those will be hard to do.

Angel is supper bubbly and happy all the time. He has this thing for butterflies. He loves purple and the only thing he loves more than purple is his Uilus lover's fluffy tail. He loves to sneak up behind him and paw at his tail. It's just so fluffy he can't resist. Of course Benny isn't expecting it so it scares him and fluffs him up which Angel thinks is adorable. ^.^  Benny is a shy albino uilus. He isn't very hyper and normally has a calm disposition. Even though he's the exact opposite he loves his little hyper Iluvu. <3

I would like them drawn together. Any position is fine with me as long as they are together and in love. ^.^ I'll let you use your imagination to find the best positions. <3


12:41pm Mar 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 45
Alright Immortal ^^ RMail me when you get the chance to negotiate a price since it's two characters? By the way, I reaslly love the design that your iluvu has ^^ It's going to be a fun one to draw =D


3:15pm Mar 5 2012 (last edited on 3:16pm Mar 5 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,586
O_O  I want a pokemon one done like the first 2. ;3; They are adorable. Could I possibly get a large group picture and pay you say 2mil+ for it? Whatever price really... since I like the art you do. :3 I would want a Ampharos in it... a lucario, absol, cyndaquil, galade, and dragonite... My team in most of my pokemon games <3

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
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