First off I have to clarify, I may or may not be online much. This thread very much has the potential to die, in which case I thoroughly apologize; because of this no payment will be accepted before which time your commission is complete. Thank you for your understanding!
Hello everyone, Cort's back.
I have only a few examples thus far [I'm in the process of making drawing a habit once more], but as I go this thread will be updated with more images and completed works.
I am willing to do reference sheets [unfortunately I have no examples of such at the moment], humans / anthropomorphs, and any range of animals or plants. I do not do landscapes or backgrounds, and at the moment my tablet is broken so all commissions will be completed traditionally and only retouched in photoshop!
Prices are subjective, but as a general rule they begin at 25mil. Feel free to contact me here or via rMail.