Cosmic Runners Adoptables.

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7:53pm Jun 28 2014 (last edited on 3:09pm Jun 29 2014)

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Posts: 805

Cosmic Runners Adoptables
Original design & lines @ Mallus Grey on Chicken Smoothie
Species @ Emris

These are adoptable both here and on, 
which is located here tle="" target="">java:nicTemp();

What is a Cosmic Runner?
Cosmic Runners are large canid like creatures that roam a fertile land devoid of human influence, the location of this place is unknown to humans so they and all they create are unknown to the Runners. . Cosmic Runners, abbreviated CRs, typically live in large groups called clans. Each clan is ruled by one Cheiften who makes the majority of of the clans important decisions. Cosmic Runners are highly intelligent and are able to create simple things such as parchment, small pieces of armor, and cloth. Cosmic Runners' personalities vary widely but all have a killer instinct when it comes to finding prey and providing for their clan. 

Cosmic Runner a typically highly muscular, with long legs and powerful jaws.They are omnivores, but the majority of their diet consists of some type of animal protein (50-75%). The other 25-50% consists of plants and insects with fruit being a rare delicacy. All CRs have thick fur and long tails, and have a sort of "mane" that runs down the length of their body. All Cosmic Runners have bright blue tongues, which are used as a warning sign from one CR to another.

Behavior & Society
Cosmic Runners are highly intelligent social animals that mate for life. In a CR clan males and females are looked at as equals and either can have the position of Cheiften. There are several positions in a CR clan the just Cheiften, including Warrior, Hunter, Healer, Shaman, Crafter, and Clan Parent. When a pair of Cosmic Runners decide to commit to each other they go on a journey together to the Cave of Stars where they vow to be faithful and true to their new partner.

Looking for an Albino Sheafu, offering pure!

7:53pm Jun 28 2014 (last edited on 3:04pm Jun 29 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 805
Getting A Cosmic Runner

Order Form;

CR Gender;
Color Palette;
Design reference;
Additional comments;

1. I will not make one of your preexisting character
2. I will not make one of a copy righted character
3. Do not sell, trade, or give away your CR. If you no longer want it return it to me.
4. Because these are free adopts please only get one if you really want it.
5. Have fun, rp, get art, I love these so I hope you will to.

*Right now I don't have a working tablet so I'll only be taking two custom orders at a time.

Looking for an Albino Sheafu, offering pure!

7:53pm Jun 28 2014 (last edited on 5:41pm Jun 30 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 805
Existing Cosmic Runners

CR# - CR Name - Res User - CS User
#0 tle="" target="">Mozu - Kurrabi/Emris
#2 ??? - ???
#3 ??? - ???
#4 tle="" target="">Seshka - Bunny/NA

Looking for an Albino Sheafu, offering pure!

7:53pm Jun 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 805

Looking for an Albino Sheafu, offering pure!

3:12pm Jun 29 2014

Normal User

Posts: 336

Username; Bunny
CR Gender; Female
Color Palette; Light silver shades with white and black? Sorry i cant get a palette ;o;
Design reference; Like a Snow leopard 
Additional comments; uh i'm not sure D:


3:15pm Jun 29 2014 (last edited on 3:15pm Jun 29 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 805
Bunny, I'll go start her now.
I have one more slot right now ^^

Looking for an Albino Sheafu, offering pure!

3:18pm Jun 29 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,937

Username: TARDIS / omena
CR Gender: male, please
Color Palette: 
Design reference: if you could make the markings similar to
either roditore or aerix with the palette provided, that'd be hella cool o:
Additional comments: i'm going to tip you for the finished adopt if it's okay c:


3:21pm Jun 29 2014

Normal User

Posts: 805
Accepted ^^
No more slots until these two are finished.

Looking for an Albino Sheafu, offering pure!

3:53pm Jun 29 2014

Normal User

Posts: 336
I tried to find a palette 

Closest i could find ._.'


7:57pm Jun 29 2014


Posts: 2,161

Username; Ratchet

CR Gender; Male

Color Palette; N/A

Design Reference;

Additional comments; The design doesn't have to be as intricate as the reference. I would like if it still had the tentacles and the hole in its chest with the glowing green 
sphere. ^^

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