2:34pm Apr 3 2022 (last edited on 10:36am Aug 14 2023)
Posts: 584
Hello there!
I am just doing creatu edits. I did these long ago, and now I’m wanting to bring them back!
Tbh, I’m not sure what to price these guys at, so I’m going to offer a few different options.
Option 1 -
A somewhat easy to do edit. - Not many creatu mixes and / or hard parts to combine.
Example: A Natural x Azure Mira
10,000,000 (10million)
Option 2 -
A medium type of edit - A wide range of creatu to mix and / or complex parts to combine 20,000,000 (20million)
Option 3 -
A complex type of edit This edit will involve a fair amount of editing for me due to the creatu’s I’m mixing and / or Complex parts that will need me to add things to to make them work.
40,000,000+ (40million+)
This option is all about the fun of it being random! I’ll use a random generator for this. What I will randomly roll: • How many creatu’s I’m combining between 1-3 • I’ll pick a number out of 1-70 for each creatu I need to combine • If it is a effect edit or not • How many edits • What part’s I’ll be combining Each part will be given a number. So Horns - 1, Tail - 2 etc etc
Will it be a magnificent combination, or a hilariously atrocious combine?!
- no examples yet -
25,000,000 (25million)
Just a silly drawn edit onto 1 creatu of your choosing. This is just for the laughs really!
5,000,000 - 10,000,000 (5 million -10 million)
Custom to look like something else
- See the 2 examples at top of thread -
This is normally a creatu heavily edited or done to look like something else.
Price - TBD upon details given to me ^-^
Shiny Luxray Iubui example -
Tu / CP / Art
Username: Option: Details: Other: Payment:
2:39am Apr 4 2022 (last edited on 3:46am Apr 4 2022)
Normal User
Posts: 90
Sign me up for a derp black jahra <3
Username: Burrito Option: derp Details: jahra - black Other: you have fun! Payment: 10m
4:41pm Apr 4 2022 (last edited on 4:42pm Apr 4 2022)
Posts: 584
One Derp Black Jahra for you! x
3:58pm Apr 5 2022
Normal User
Posts: 2,706
Username: Zydrate Option: ~WILDCARD~ Details: ????? Other: I'm excited to see how this turns out Payment: tu
Officially the Albino Veram King.55/100 albino Veram
11:53am Apr 7 2022
Normal User
Posts: 202
Username: Rhian Option: 2 (~3) Details: Base- lime elemental malal (w/ elemental calico malal mane and tail) Ears- up to you, whichever looks similar to the ref image's ears Eyes- Kayoki (something dark colored like the cream's or black's; any stage but I think adult's would probably be the easiest to edit) Wings- Adult cream vaspi wings (make big please) Other: Removal of malal horns and tusks Payment: tu
8:53am Apr 12 2022 (last edited on 8:54am Apr 12 2022)
Posts: 584
Some numbers were drawn, and then out popped this creature who’s looking rather battered and torn!
3:07pm Apr 12 2022 (last edited on 3:11pm Apr 12 2022)
Posts: 584
@Rhian One Deethra Malal x
7:21am Apr 13 2022
Normal User
Posts: 488
Username:Sliced Option:1 Details: Could i please get a black Jahra cross Black liyure ~? Other: i would love to see what you do ^u^ Payment:10mil i hope this is correct !~
~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~
10:08pm Apr 15 2022
Normal User
Posts: 131
Username: Mahogany Option: 2 Details: Valabex - Ezahni Other: Could they be amber? Other than that, go crazy! Payment: TU
Thank you!
Banner made by Billark!
8:42pm Apr 17 2022
Normal User
Posts: 2,706
maybe it's just me, but I don't see an image for mine, even when I open it in a new tab ^^;
Officially the Albino Veram King.55/100 albino Veram
4:08am Apr 21 2022 (last edited on 4:09am Apr 21 2022)
Posts: 584
Update! Sorry for the delay! My youngest has had an ear infection and I’m suffering from Covid :c
You input Black Jahra and Black Liyure and out bounds -
12:43pm May 13 2022 (last edited on 6:41am May 30 2022)
Posts: 584
I apologise so much for the long delay! Please forgive me and accept this little guy for free. They are dying to meet you x
Eyes, Horns and Ear Valabex edits on an Ezahni!
4:43pm Aug 17 2022 (last edited on 4:45pm Aug 17 2022)
Normal User
Posts: 841
Username: Kirby
Option: 3 (i think? It seems like this could could be complex)
Details: Adult Zaphao with Nexolord Omnicron
Other: Go with what you think looks and works best for putting the two together :>
Payment: A mix of 34+ CP and up to 50mil tu in case this takes a lot more time then average when working on it.
12:38pm Aug 23 2022 (last edited on 12:42pm Aug 23 2022)
Posts: 584
I had SO much fun doing this guy for you! Here we go:
3:51pm Mar 17 2023
Normal User
Posts: 121
I'll start with this one :D
Username: Shena Option: Derp Details: Black Shaefu Other: If possible, I'd love if he had Stardust<3 Payment: TU - Happy to pay a little more for the dust request
11:41pm Mar 17 2023
Normal User
Posts: 202
Username: Rhian Option: 2 or 3 (not sure) Details: Natural frostlight mirabilis with different color wings and tail Base- natural frostlight mira Wings/tail- indigo or azure frostlight Other: Want it for my pet page for Anivia from League of Legends (AniviatheCryophoenix is the name of pet) so whichever colors look most like Anivia Payment: Tu
3:44pm Mar 18 2023 (last edited on 3:45pm Mar 18 2023)
Posts: 584
Order complete! - Shena
One Derp stardust Black Shaefu comes bounces towards you with a rather unusual tail! Plus a cute derpy tongue!
1:59pm Apr 9 2023
Normal User
Posts: 121
Username: Shena Option: Derp x 10 Details: Opal, Uldavian, Rainbow, Trance, Blackgold, Gold, Rosegold, Snow, Indigo, & Magenta Shaefu Other: All *stardusted* Payment: Tu
6:02am Apr 11 2023 (last edited on 6:33am Apr 11 2023)
Posts: 584
@Shena A huge pack of sparkling dogs run towards you with their tongues out and tails wagging, happy to see you!
6:43am Apr 13 2023
Normal User
Posts: 3
Username:Unbound Option:Wildcard Details: ??? Other: happy to see what I get Payment: Cp
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