HI! It is Crimson again! :D I am starting to do plushies! They are sorta my thing now :D Anyway, I am doing Plushie commisions of anyone's creatu :3. There is a form and my pricing range below. PLEASE ORDER :3
Order form://
Name: (of the creatu I will be drawing)
Stage: (baby, middle, or adult)
Style of art: (Would you like black and white? Just lineart? Or fully coloured and outlined)
Offer: (what will you offer me in payment for your order?)
Acessories: (anything else you want on your creatu? Earings? A bandana? A scar?)
Pricing Ranges//:
Line art- Just a simple outline, no colours. This will cost from 25k-50k, depending on the creatu. Some are harder than others :3
Black and white- A simple, non-coloured black outline of your creatu, a thicker outline than line art. This will be about 75k :3
Coloured Arts- If you want yours colored and outlined, then this will be 100-150k, this takes a while, and I don't really like to colour. So depending on the creatu once again, some are harder than others :3
(All copyrighted to me, and their owners :3)
(( More coming soon :3 ))
Well, what are you waiting for? You can order now! :U!