Here is where I’ll be selling my art. What will I be selling you ask? Conies. Conies are basically my name for a base I made and can use to create pretty much anything (except gondra and stage 3 ebbi it seems). I will be selling these for just 500tu each. Just read the rules fill out the form, and I’ll try to complete yours in as timely a manner as possible.
Examples- There are also more on my profile
Rules:-Don’t rush me. I do have other things to do too.
-I have the right to close this at any time.
-I highly suggest once you get your image to save it to your computer. I have been known to accidentally delete things.
-They don’t cost much. Please make sure you pay
- Please delete what I put in the form and replace with your order
-If you don’t follow the rules you don’t get your order. Simple as that.
Name: What do you want me to call you?
Species: What species do you want?
Picture Refs: These are not necessary but are helpful. Please post a link so the page doesn’t get stretched.
Deion: What do you want?
pression: What ex
pression do you want?
Holding: If you want it to be holding an item what do you want?
Accessories: Do you want wings, or jewelry, or anything?
Other: Anything else.