4:21pm Oct 1 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 969
When I said "or something" I really just meant a headshot. Lol could I get it colored please?
4:42pm Oct 1 2014
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Posts: 340
Alright Roger :3
2:41am Oct 5 2014 (last edited on 2:45pm Dec 6 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 340
UPDATEFrom now on, I won't start your commission until I get payed.I have finished many commissions and didn't get payed. Thanks for understanding. P.S :Please commissioners, I would prefer that you tell me what you think by replying to my rmail when i send you your art.It is important to me.
3:06am Oct 5 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 1,701
Hello! I would love a commission from you in the fast sketchy coloured style if that's ok? Like the "I'm stuck!" example :)
I'd like you to draw my little Rose if that would be ok? http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/108/e/b/lil_rose_by_freak_z-d7eym0g.png
She's fairly simple, and is usually pretty happy and chilled out! You can draw her in any pose you like :)
I'll send the TU now, but if you have any issues just let me know! Thank you ♥
4:43am Oct 5 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 202
Hi Syaraa, could you tell me how much you are charging for my commission when it is done? Then I will send the tu right away ;)
3:26am Oct 6 2014 (last edited on 3:30am Oct 6 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 20
Hey buuudddyyyy
Spoke on the sb about this, but I had to poof, and I think you did too. Wondering if you could do an animated portrait of sorts?  Ginger hair with blonde fringe^ eyes are actually black, but brown when light shines on. Very pale skin, annoying.
Do what you like with it?
rmail me and we can come up with a price:3
6:28am Oct 6 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 381
Could i get a sketch of this please-
"Hes basically a fluffy little ferret guy. He has really long floppy ears and a really feathery tail (like a literal feather tail, not just feathery fur, but lots of really long different colored feathers). Around the base of his ears are little spots, varying in size and color. He also has a darker belly color to the rest of him and big green eyes. He has four eyes, each pair a different color. Think wyrae, they sit one above the other. His nails are also painted so yeah."
Dont worry about color and it doesnt need to be full body :) sending 2mil now
8:42am Oct 6 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 340
@ Octo : 2mil is too low for me to start the commission :( Specially when i have to start from a deion and no reference for it.Like the winged lion commission i have done before :(
8:49am Oct 6 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 381
Hey I can pay like a couple mil more but your first post does specifically say "This one is very fast sketch of the wanted final art.But you may just want sketchy art? Everyone has their own taste and preferences xD It costs you 2mil o3o"
I was merely going off that <3
10:19am Oct 6 2014
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Posts: 1,997
I'll shoot you 5mil as a down, if you will, and then shoot you however much more it comes to later. c: <3
12:05pm Oct 6 2014 (last edited on 12:13pm Oct 6 2014)
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Posts: 340
@Octo : I don't really like to argue over money actually, yet I like to be specific.That one used to had a reference for it though.Anyway, You got it! 2mil is it! @FluzzMe :Thanks, dear! I got them <3 Will finish your commission at 8th of the month.Like after two days :3
12:16pm Oct 6 2014 (last edited on 2:59pm Oct 6 2014)
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Posts: 3,828
Gonna ask for a few sketchy colored pieces like that poor animal who stuffed its face into the ground lmao.
He's not gay, I assure you.
Here's his character information: [Grayson has a very Aryan look about him; from his baby-blue eyes to his sweeping light-as-straw hair. His facial features are pretty, with his high crown and forehead, light brows, and the gentle, pleasing curves of his face. His nose is a tad smaller than average, jawline curving and not obscenely prominent.
Grayson has a bit of a stocky build with a lot of compact weight. His back is corded with muscle, biceps dense with natural muscle.
His muscular build and tall height (he stands at 6'2") gives him a loud presence when in a room.
Of course, his wings are another matter. Since Grayson is 2% gyrfalcon, he inherited the lovely ability to flight. A pair of wings sprout from his back and have a wingspread of roughly 15 feet long when fully outstretched.]
And personality/pose-wise, he's just a dumbass. x_x So you can draw him scratching his head and looking confused or flying into a tree or tripping over his wings idc. Have fun. LOL
I am also in dire need of some art for my rather neglected werewolf boy, Shay. I don't have a ref for him /sobs but if you want me to, I can probably find some pictures of people to ref him off of.
Here's his character information: [Shay has a dangerous air that surrounds him; most in their right mind will shy away from his presence. His face when stoic resembles a state of being pissed off, gold-rimmed hazel eyes tightened by furrowed brows. His coppery brown hair has a slight curl to it and is more often than not left unkempt and tangled.
Before his infection, Shay had an average, slightly taller than average build. Upon receiving his werewolf bite (the fang marks are a dull silver on his left calf) he shot up two inches and reached a height of 6'3". His muscles widened, giving his slim build a nice bit of trimmed muscle.
Shay remains bipedal in his wolf form. Copper fur ripples down his body and golden eyes peer out from his shifted skull. His chest broadens greatly and his arms lengthen; deadly claws extend from each appendage and are used for swatting at prey. Because his arms are so long, he has the capability to leap forward and run on all fours. His upright stance is more commonly used for fighting and intimidating enemies.]
You can draw him either in his human form or wolf form or both. I don't mind how the price varies.
Again, if ya need me to find some ref pics for Shay, I can try to skulk around Google and Deviantart. x3
Just tell me the price and I'll pay. 8)
hello my name is elder price
8:30am Oct 7 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 336
ello, Ah man, i love your art its SO adorable.
Could you please draw my precious Ellie?
Ehh its kinda hard to see her eyes, but she has a gorgeous bright blue color eyes ^^
It also kinda looks like she's wearing eyeliner around her eyes xD
10:03am Oct 7 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 3,828
Sya; How much total are the lovelies going to cost so I can throw the tu at you? x3
hello my name is elder price
1:59pm Oct 7 2014 (last edited on 2:09pm Oct 7 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 280
Ok. Could I have this as a colored sketch, please? My original fursona needs some art, because yeah. xD
She is an albino raccoon. Beautiful white colors, with three rings on her tail. The ring closest to her is dark, middle is lighter, and the end is the lightest.
She also has a masquerade mask marking on her face, a deep red color, with two rose markings on one of her cheeks. One marking bigger than the other one.
Her paws don't have regular paw pads, but instead have imprints on them, so that she leaves rose stamps everywhere she walks... assuming that she steps in something that would leave marks. xD
That's about all I have for her... I'm really looking forward to what you do<3 (ps, please may I have at least two pawprint stamps in the picture? ^^ <3)
3:20am Oct 8 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 700
If there's still slots open, I'd like to claim one. c: I'm going to do a redesign of my fursona and I'll get back to you~
3:33am Oct 8 2014 (last edited on 7:53am Oct 8 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 340
Alright, SM :) I will hold a slot and wait for your next comment to tell me what to draw.Or you can just rmail me directly the thing ! :)
2:17pm Oct 8 2014
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Posts: 1,058
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