I'll go with the cliche and say it was a very difficult decision but the Winners Were:
WhiteFox - Congratulations! :D (I actually took that picture and put it on a shirt XD)
MaroonRyu - Grats to you too, Ryu!
TheBrokenHearted - Just barely got it in, but I love it!
Indiah - You were very very close to coming in 3rd.
TheBlackParade - You were one of the like, three who actually gave her a baseball bat. <3
I'll send you tu ASAP
First place winner, please send me the name of which Blondes you would like.
And then if second place would send me the name of a junk pet, I will send you a pet trade.
3rd place and the two mentions will recieve their eggs, items, and tu shortly.