Doing commissions~!

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2:31pm Jan 5 2017 (last edited on 10:14am Feb 20 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 56
I'm doing commissions~! I can do literally anything. Realism, anime, fashion, animals, you name it. I can even re-draw images to make them bigger and prettier (like if you want a tiny image on an MTG playmat). HOWEVER I am currently working on several real money commissions, so it'll be ugh. . . probably at least a month before I can get to the commissions from here. I was only working on one real money commission when I made this post - I've just gotten more since then. 

Non-colored (finished) sketches are 5mil Tu each - This price is negotiable based on what you want (for example, if you just want a bust vs a full body vs multiple characters, vs fully inked ect). Finished sketches are works with finished lineart, but not necessarily inked. Also, these will not have backgrounds (or very basic backgrounds). 

Big commissions (aka everything other than non-colored sketches) cost 10mil tu per hour. I'll give you two free adjustments, and anything after that is 1mil tu per adjustment. The average full body, full colored drawing takes between 3-4 hours). 

BUT WAIT. You don't have that much Tu? That's OK. As it turns out, I'm looking for the following items and I am willing to do a big commission in exchange!
Natural Drachid Pendant 
Eclipsed Eyes
Mech Wrist Cuffs
Gear Vest
Fading Rainbow Henna Tattoo
Ebilia Spirit
Lunar Medallion Belt
Lemon Dye Kit

BUT WAIT AGAIN. You don't have those items? That's OK. I'm also looking for the following creatu, and I'm willing to do a big commission in exchange!
Galta (preferably Cream, but I like any color)
Noctis (Nat)
Liyure (Nat)
Wyrae (preferably Calico, but I like any color other than Nat)
One of those awesome re-naming things (for creatu and/or players)
Here are some examples:

Inked Sketch:  photo Anasaziprofile-biglineart.jpg
Finished Sketch:  photo Comic-ShadowSamurai.jpg
"Basic" Scenery Lineart with Character:  photo Sword princess.jpg
OC's from my D&D group:  photo dandd_group_by_rowanblaez-datvecx.jpg
And finally an example of a tiny card picture blown up to fit an MTG playmat:  photo EmancipationAngel-finished.jpg(please note that with this one, there are some mistakes - but the person I did it for wanted the image to be exactly like the MTG card, soooo that was what I did).

I\'m doing commissions~! Please check out the forum page under the art commissions section :D

2:36pm Jan 5 2017 (last edited on 8:21pm Jan 6 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 910
I super love the style of the shadow samurai if I could have a full body of something like that!<3

I'd love to have my Pangolin boy, tle="" target="">Danny Chang, tried in that style please<3


2:43pm Jan 5 2017 (last edited on 2:53pm Jan 5 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 56
Thanks! I fixed it :)

I\'m doing commissions~! Please check out the forum page under the art commissions section :D

7:32pm Jan 6 2017

Normal User

Posts: 56
Bump :3

I\'m doing commissions~! Please check out the forum page under the art commissions section :D

11:49pm Jan 6 2017

Normal User

Posts: 56
Sagitaurus - absolutely! Give me a couple days to finish my money commission, and I'll draw that up for you :)

I\'m doing commissions~! Please check out the forum page under the art commissions section :D

9:48am Jan 7 2017


Posts: 2,161
;0; these are really good ah! 

I'm gonna subscribe and be back later owo


8:01am Jan 10 2017

Normal User

Posts: 56
bump :D

I\'m doing commissions~! Please check out the forum page under the art commissions section :D

11:48pm Jan 13 2017

Normal User

Posts: 56
Adding in another picture. This is what one looks like without fancy pants finished lineart, but it still colored with a basic background. (also, yes, it's a profile pic of me :P )

I\'m doing commissions~! Please check out the forum page under the art commissions section :D

1:23pm Jan 21 2017

Normal User

Posts: 56
Finished 3 commissions so far~! Bump :D 

I\'m doing commissions~! Please check out the forum page under the art commissions section :D

1:33pm Jan 30 2017

Normal User

Posts: 616
Hi Bloomyl,

I am in the process of writing a novel at the moment, I am slightly more than halfway done, and I am looking for fan art that I can put on my facebook page/twitter for the novel, as well as the website when the book is finished. All art will keep your name as the artist, because it is fan art after all. (I am not sure if you would like your username or your real name used, we can talk about that.)

I am in the process of selling me achromatic aerix right now for ~800mil. After this I should have plenty of tu, and I would like to buy all of your slots that you have open for commissions.

I would like to start with one request at the moment and if the finished product is what I am looking for, I am willing to spend close to 300mil on commissions from you.

The first I would like to start with is a commission of my main character. She is an elf girl who wears a hood to hide her ears. She stands at 5'4, is slender, and has long, dirty-blonde hair. her clothes are plain and ragged, as if she had been travelling for weeks on end without pause. The hood is brown, and itself is a cape that she wears over her other clothes. Her only weapons are a dagger in a sheathe in her belt, and her ability to use light based magic. She should be standing, looking determined, with an orb of white/yellow light manifested in one of her palms. The light should be no bigger than a baseball. Perhaps the cape could be flared, but her ears should be hidden, maybe poking into the sides of the hood faintly.

I look forward to hearing from you, and will be excited to see the results!


1:38pm Jan 30 2017

Normal User

Posts: 616
I also have that orchid Aerix!

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