DragWolf's Free Commissions (Yay :o )

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7:58am May 31 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756

Oh wow ><" So many requests!


Jaryk:  Request accepted.

Quarantine: Request accepted, but as there aren't anymore slots left, I'll put you on the waiting list.  Hope that's okay with you :3


Bloodrose: You can post your request first, i'll put you on the waiting list for now <3


6:27pm May 31 2011

Normal User

Posts: 312

Also, just in case you can't tell from the drawing the creature is a zebra/crocodile aka Zebodile.
And thank you again!

See my profile for the items I am collecting!

7:02pm May 31 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756

Otta's... Uhm, kitten thing is done o3o



Link: http://i658.photobucket.com/albums/uu305/Dragonz_fire1995/KittenThingy.png


Feel free to tip <3


All slots have been moved up. Bloodrose is still on the waiting list though. I'll try to get the next one done today.


7:14pm May 31 2011 (last edited on 7:16pm May 31 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 534

Thank you much! <333 Sent 25k, will send more if not reasonable.


Sent 225k. (: 

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

7:20pm May 31 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756
Haha no problem Otter *Huggle* xD


9:26pm Jun 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 312

This is the last day that I will be on the internet until...who knows when.
So, if you end up finishing after I am gone please send the url of, where I can find, the finished product to me via Rmail I would very much appreciate that.
Sending tu!

See my profile for the items I am collecting!

7:35am Jun 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756

Aww :c Okay Jaryk. Would you like me to e-mail you instead?



11:21am Jun 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 312

I don't think that you should have to go to that extent...
Hmmm...Whenever I'm not around internet my frist chance I get to be around it I always try Res first...yeah most times it's on like someone's phone or something and Res has too much data for mobile web. :(
So, yeah. I guess, if it's not much trouble could you Rmail and e-mail it to me please.
I will Rmail you my e-mail in just a sec.

Well, now I really have to get off Res you guys. It's about 10:20 a here and I have to be out of this Hotel by 11a.
So, wish me well friends with finding somewhere to go today and that my hubby and I find something to do for our $ year anni today!

 I am open to respal requests so send them and I will accept them when I eventually find a way back to this wonderful world.

Bye now!!
This is Jaryk signing off!
Till next time!

See my profile for the items I am collecting!

9:28am Jun 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756

Alrighty. I'm taking a break for now as I only have half an hour on the computer now. xD

I shall get the next request finished by this weekend <3


10:22am Jun 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756

Woot. One more request down o3o


Redd's is finally done <3



Link: http://i658.photobucket.com/albums/uu305/Dragonz_fire1995/Reddaysi.png


8:08am Jun 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756

Yay, 2 slots open!


Update: A V.I.P list has been added to the first post! Those on the V.I.P list get a slot straightaway without waiting, even if the shop is closed <3


10:13am Jun 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,828

Why didn't Draggy tell me she drew amazing art? *snuggles*

I can order one? c:

hello my name is elder price

3:54am Jun 8 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756

It's not that amazing :p

Aww Faxy, of course you can order one <3 *Snuggles back*





I won't be online for the next week or so, so please be patient with your requests! I will get them as soon as I have access to the computer with Photoshop on it again. Thank you for your patience <3


9:56am Jun 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,828

Name: Rune. c:

[Want it on the drawing?] Sure

[Name Colour:] Uh. Light purple

Gender: He be a male

Creature/animal Deion: Rune is a demonic wolf. His fur is pure white from head to toe. He has lean muscles that seem to always be tensed and ready to attack.  On his left foreleg, he has a purple arrowlike marking that winds around the leg. His eyes are also the same purple color.

Since he is demonic, he has stark purple demonic wings that come out from his back. The purple on those wings are noticibly lighter than the rest of the markings/eyes. And he's evil. Just soz ya know. x3

He's my fursona's other half, the evil side of him, I guess. You can look at my profile at Shadow to get a feel of what Rune should be; the exact opposite.

Headshot/Full Body: I'd prefer a full body. :D

Reference: Don't have one. o_o You'll be the first to make arts for him, but just look at Shadow and think; evil.

Pose: Anything that screams dangerous or about to pounce. Wings flared if possible. ;D

Facial ex
pression: A snarl or a snicker.

Style [realistic/Res-like?]: Not exactly Res-like and on the bordering of realistic. Whatever you think.

Thank you, Draggy. c:

hello my name is elder price

1:40am Jun 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756
Thanks Faxy :D I'll get started on it as soon as I finish the rest... Which won't really be anytime soon :c


11:59pm Jun 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756
Bumpity bump :U


3:44am Jun 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,422

I need a pic of my fur. Er..gjinka.





Species:Gazelle with wings

Appearence:Slender, curvy build. Her hair is very curly and black in color, striped with neon yellow and green. Her eyes are like this: http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=horse+eye#/d22y6vf. She has long gazelle horns with neon yellow and neon green glow string wrapping around them. Her wings are black spattered with neon yellow and neon green paint.


If you draw her, I shall pay you one of my souls and the name Disk?



"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

3:49am Jul 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756
Ohmai. I shall have to put this thread on hold gais, I have a lot of exams going on from now till November :c Sorry! I'll re-open the shop in mid-november <3


4:46am Aug 20 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756
Rawr, bump for me. Those who can't wait for their requests to be drawn, please withdraw them. I am putting all requests on hold until November.


11:52pm Aug 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756

Up~ Will be bumping this thread until V3 comes out when I can finally find my thread without going through the rest of the forum.


If you would like your request to be done urgently, please let me know. 

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